
Interact with TFgridDB using rest APIs with caching

Primary LanguageGo

Grid proxy server

golang workflow

Interact with TFgridDB using rest APIs

Live Instances

Run for Development & Testing

$ make help

To list all the available tasks for running:

  • Database
  • Server
  • Tests


  1. A msgbusd instance must be running on the node. This client uses RMB (message bus) to send messages to nodes, and get the responses.
  2. A valid MNEMONICS.
  3. yggdrasil service running with a valid ip assigned to the MNEMONICS on polkadot.
  4. Golang compiler > 1.13 to run the grid proxy server.
  5. Postgres database

Generate swagger doc files

  1. Install swag and export to exec path

    go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
    export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
  2. Run make docs.


GIT_COMMIT=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) && \
cd cmds/proxy_server && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -ldflags "-w -s -X main.GitCommit=$GIT_COMMIT -extldflags '-static'"  -o server

Development Run

  • Start the msgbus with your MNEMONICS ID
    msgbusd --mnemonics "YOUR MNEMONICS" --substrate "wss://tfchain.dev.grid.tf"
  • To run in development envornimnet see here how to generate test db or load a db dump then use:
    go run cmds/proxy_server/main.go --address :8080 --log-level debug -no-cert --postgres-host --postgres-db tfgrid-graphql --postgres-password postgres --postgres-user postgres
  • all server Options:
Option Description
-address Server ip address (default ":443")
-ca certificate authority used to generate certificate (default "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
-cert-cache-dir path to store generated certs in (default "/tmp/certs")
-domain domain on which the server will be served
-email email address to generate certificate with
-log-level log level [debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic] (default "info")
-no-cert start the server without certificate
-postgres-db postgres database
-postgres-host postgres host
-postgres-password postgres password
-postgres-port postgres port (default 5432)
-postgres-user postgres username
-redis redis url (default "tcp://")
-substrate-user substrate url (default"wss://tfchain.dev.grid.tf/ws")
-rmb-timeout timeout for rmb requests (default 30 seconds)
-v shows the package version
  • Then visit http://localhost:8080/<endpoint>

Production Run

  • Start the msgbus systemd service with a machine MNEMONICS linked to its yggdrasil IP or public ip if there, download and more info

  • Download the latest binary here

  • add the execution permission to the binary and move it to the bin directory

    chmod +x ./gridproxy-server
    mv ./gridproxy-server /usr/local/bin/gridproxy-server
  • Add a new systemd service

# create msgbus service
cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/gridproxy-server.service
Description=grid proxy server

ExecStart=gridproxy-server --domain gridproxy.dev.grid.tf --email omar.elawady.alternative@gmail.com -ca https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --substrate wss://tfchain.dev.grid.tf/ws --postgres-host --postgres-db db --postgres-password password --postgres-user postgres

  • enable the service

     systemctl enable gridproxy.service
  • start the service

    systemctl start gridproxy.service
  • check the status

    systemctl status gridproxy.service
  • The command options:

    • domain: the host domain which will generate ssl certificate to.
    • email: the mail used to run generate the ssl certificate.
    • ca: certificate authority server url
    • substrate: substrate websocket link.
    • postgre-*: postgres connection info.

To upgrade the machine

  • just replace the binary with the new one and apply
systemctl restart gridproxy-server.service
  • it you have changes in the /etc/systemd/system/gridproxy-server.service you have to run this command first
systemctl daemon-reload


  • get public and private key for a yggdrasil configuration

To build & run dockerfile

docker build -t threefoldtech/gridproxy .
docker run --name gridproxy -e MNEMONICS="" -e SUBSTRATE="wss://tfchain.dev.grid.tf/ws" -e PUBLIC_KEY="5011157c2451b238c99247b9f0793f66e5b77998272c00676d23767fe3d576d8" -e PRIVATE_KEY="ff5b3012dbec23e86e2fde7dcd3c951781e87fe505be225488b50a6bb27662f75011157c2451b238c99247b9f0793f66e5b77998272c00676d23767fe3d576d8" -e POSTGRES_HOST="" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_DB="db" -e POSTGRES_USER="postgres" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="password" -e RMB_TIMEOUT="30" --cap-add=NET_ADMIN threefoldtech/gridproxy
  • PUBLIC_KEY: yggdrasil public key
  • PRIVATE_KEY: yggdrasil private key
  • PEERS: yggdrasil peers

Update helm package

  • Do helm lint charts/gridproxy
  • Regenerate the packages helm package -u charts/gridproxy
  • Regenerate index.yaml helm repo index --url https://threefoldtech.github.io/tfgridclient_proxy/ .
  • Push your changes

Install the chart using helm package

  • Adding the repo to your helm

    helm repo add gridproxy https://threefoldtech.github.io/tfgridclient_proxy/
  • install a chart

    helm install gridproxy/gridproxy


  • Update the appVersion in charts/Chart.yaml. (push, open PR, merge)
  • Draft new release with Github UI Releaser
    • In the tags dropdown menu write the new tag appVersion and create it.
    • Generate release notes
    • Mark as release or pre-release and publish