
Distributed System for large scale data management

Primary LanguagePython


Distributed System for large scale data management


automation/ : Bash scripts to automatize the deployment of the infrastructure and the application

config/ : Kubernetes and AWS configuration files

src/ : Source code of our application

  • app/ : Code source of the web application and Dockerfile associated
  • aws/ : Code source of the aws manager (perform actions on AWS)
  • cassandra/ : Creator of the database and Dockerfile associated
  • kafka/ : Code source of the kafka producer to generate tweets and Dockerfile associated to kafka
  • utils/ : Config manager for project's variables

Getting started

Run the solution

In order to automatically run the solution, please follow these steps :

  1. Configure your credentials AWS :

Follow this guide to have at least the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config (at least with the region) files : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html

  1. Install the packages (python3)

pip3 install -r requirements.txt (You could use virtualenv to isolate this project from your other projects : https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/)

  1. Configure your deployment (Optional)

You could configure the deployment using the config/instances.ini file

  1. Go to the automation folder

cd automation

  1. Launch the deployment script and wait during the creation time


Connect to the master and control the Kubernetes cluster (Optional)

In order to automatically run the solution, please follow these steps :

  1. Go back to the root folder

cd ..

  1. Get back the master's public ip address

./manage.py read type get-master-public-ip

  1. Connect by ssh to the master

ssh -i ssh/Smackey ubuntu@MASTER_PUBLIC_IP

  1. You could use kubectl commands for example to play with the cluster

kubectl get pods

Some pods at the startup will have the status 'Error' : the cluster just need some time to attain a global coherency

See the application running

  1. Get back a worker's ip address

./manage.py read type get-workers-public-ip

  1. Open a browser to the address below



All contributions are well appreciated.

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before starting to contribute on this project.