
A few words to describe the structure of the site - where to find what.

The structure of the website was created with Jekyll.



To make the website work in github pages, I had to add the baseurl to "indico-website" (name of the repo) in the _config.yml file, because the URL for the website is

baseurl: "/indico-website"

Change the baseurl to an empty string when the website is deployed in production. Also, when developing in localhost, you can run the server by executing

jekyll serve --baseurl ''


When the website is deployed in production, the disqus shortname should be changed in the _config.yml file:

disqus_shortname: mydevindicowebsite


Most of the pages have their own layout which inherits form the default.html layout:

  • index.html => _layouts/home.html
  • => _layouts/features.html
  • => _layouts/getting_started.html
  • ...

The blog page ( uses the blog.html layout which inherits from the blog_default.html layout. The blog_default.html layout is also used for the blog posts and so inherited by the posts.html layout.

The head, header and footer are included in the default layout and they are located in the _includes/ directory.


The main file were the CSS code lives is the /_sass/indico.scss file