
Primary LanguagePython

Sorting Algorithms

For the purpose of this module, we will be writing and discussing all sorting algorithms with the assumption that our goal is to sort items in ascending order. But be aware, this does not always have to be the case.


  • Implement the selection_sort and bubble_sort algorithms in the iterative_sorting directory.
  • Implement the merge_sort algorithm in the recursive_sorting directory. The merge is meant to be a helper function to the merge_sort function that is responsible for performing the actual merging, though you don't have to fill it out if you don't want to.

Stretch Goals

  • Implement all the methods in the searching.py file in the searching directory.
  • Implement the count_sort algorithm in the iterative_sorting directory.
  • Implement an in-place version of merge_sort that does not allocate any additional memory. In other words, the space complexity for this function should be O(1).
  • Implement the timsort algorithm, which is a real-world sorting algorithm. In fact, it is the sorting algorithm that is used when you run Python's built-in sort method.