A simple flat file database system created with pure PHP. This simple database system stores data in TXT files and manipulates all information using PHP classes.
Feel free to download and test it. Use the example.php
as reference.
To access and use FLATDbase from any PHP file, just include and make a instance of it by using the following code:
require_once 'src/flatdbase.class.php';
$database = new FlatDbase();
# check if a database already exists. if not, create it.
if( !$database->exists( "database_test" ) )
$database->create( "database_test" );
# If you already have a previously created database you can boot it using the following method
$database->init( 'database_test' );
# This method displays a list of databases
var_dump( $database->show_databases(); );
# deleting a database
if( $database->delete( 'database_test' ) )
echo "Successfully deleted";
# rename a database
$database->rename( 'old_database_name', 'new_database_name' );
Now it's time to create some tables into the database. Manipulate and popular it.
# check if table exists
if( !$database->table_exists( "users" ) ):
$_fields = array(
'id' => array('type'=>'integer', 'size'=>'10','null'=>'0','auto_increment'=>'1'),
'nome' => array('type'=>'stringOnly','size'=>'32','null'=>'0'),
'email' => array('type'=>'email', 'size'=>'64','null'=>'0'),
'status'=> array('type'=>'boolean', 'size'=>'1', 'null'=>'1','default'=>'1'),
$database->create_table( 'users', $_fields );
# rename a table
$boolean = $database->rename_table( 'users', 'usuarios' );
# get description from a table
$object = $database->desc( 'users' );
# delete a table
$boolean = $database->delete_table( 'users' );
# add data into the table Method 1. Using Array
'id' => null,
'nome' => ' Ana Silva ',
'email' => ' ana.silva@email.example.com ',
'status'=> 1
# add data into the table Method 1. Using a String
$string01 = "id=null; nome=Wanderlei Santana do Nascimento; email=sans.pds@gmail.com; status = 0 ";
$database->users->insert( $string01 );
# delete a register by ID
$database->users->delete( 2 );
# select all registers from a table
$result = $database->users->select();
foreach( $result->asObject() as $row )
var_dump( $row );
# - Update
'nome' => 'Wanderlei Santana do Nascimento','status' => 0),
"id = 10" /* where condition */
) ;
Some kind of simple filter are allowed to get more accurate data. Here are some examples of this.
# select all from "users" table
$result = $database->users->select()->asObject();
# select only the first result. This will return as object
$result = $database->users->select()->asObject( true );
# select 3 columns as array
$result = $database->users->select( 'nome,email,id' )->asArray();
# filter by ID
$result = $database->users->select()->where( 'id = 10' );
# filter by some IDs
$result = $database->users->select()->where( 'id in 10,13,15' );
$result = $database->users->select( 'id,nome,email' )->where( 'id between 10,20' );
$result = $database->users->select( 'id,nome,email' )->where( 'id >< 10,20' );
# get all records where the email is like sans.pds@gmail.com
$result = $database->users->select( '*' )->where( 'email = sans.pds@gmail.com' );
# loop through each founded record
foreach( $result->asArray() as $row )
var_dump( $row );
# this return the number of records
Now, I think the example.php
file is a good place to know more about this library. Maybe you'll find some things written in Portuguese, I'll translate this as soon as I can.
Thanks. Wanderlei Santana sans.pds@gmail.com