
New TIOJ Judge Client

Primary LanguageC++


tioj-judge is the new judge client of TIOJ. It is based on cjail code execution engine, and implements submission scheduling, testdata management and interaction logic with the web server.


  • Limit memory by VSS and/or RSS
  • Detailed execution stats compared to miku, including verdicts such as SIG, OLE, MLE and VSS reporting
  • Judge multiple submissions in parallel
  • Isolated and size-limited tmpfs to prevent DoS attacks
  • New powerful special judge mode that can access lots of information, set arbitrary score and override results
  • Multistage problems (similar to CMS's TwoStep mode)
  • Optional strict mode for more isolation:
    • Compiles static executables and run them without any shared libraries present (only for C/C++/Haskell)
    • Use pipes for standard input / output to avoid seeking or re-opening
  • A library interface libtioj that can be used independently
  • A time multiplier to compensate speed difference of multiple judge clients
  • Support some basic judging modes (such as floating-point compare, strict compare and white-diff compare) without the need of user-provided special judge program

Judge Server

Dependency packages

On Ubuntu 22.04, you can use the following command to install dependencies.

apt update
apt install -y git g++ cmake ninja-build \
  libseccomp-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libsqlite3-dev libz-dev libssl-dev \
  libboost-all-dev \
  ghc python2 python3 python3-numpy python3-pil


Boost is required to compile the judge server.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G ninja ..
sudo ninja install

This will also install libtioj and its dependencies (namely nlohmann_json and cjail). Specify -DTIOJ_INSTALL_LIBTIOJ=0 if only the judge client is needed.


Set up the /etc/tioj-judge.conf configuration file, and then run sudo tioj-judge to start the judge. The configuration file format is as follows:

tioj_url = https://url.to.tioj.web.server
tioj_key = some_random_key
parallel = 1
max_rss_per_task_mb = 2048
max_output_per_task_mb = 1024
max_submission_queue_size = 20
time_multiplier = 1.0
  • The indicated values except tioj_url and tioj_key are the default values.
  • time_multiplier is the ratio of the indicated time to the real time. Thus, the multiplier should be larger if the computer is faster, and smaller if the computer is slower.

Docker Usage

A Dockerfile is provided to run the judge easily.

When running the docker, --privileged --net=host --pid=host must be given, and the fetch key should be given via environment variable TIOJ_KEY.


A minimal working C++ example:

#include <cstdio>
#include <tioj/paths.h>
#include <tioj/utils.h>
#include <tioj/reporter.h>
#include <tioj/submission.h>

// Callbacks for judge results
class MyReporter : public Reporter {
  void ReportOverallResult(const Submission& sub) override {
    printf("Result: %s\n", VerdictToAbr(sub.verdict));
  void ReportCEMessage(const Submission& sub) override {
    puts("CE message:");
    printf("%s\n", sub.ce_message.c_str());
} reporter;

int main() {
  // run as root
  constexpr int submission_id = 1, problem_id = 1, num_td = 3;
  Submission sub;
  sub.submission_internal_id = GetUniqueSubmissionInternalId();
  sub.submission_id = submission_id;
  sub.lang = Compiler::GCC_CPP_17;
  sub.problem_id = problem_id;
  sub.specjudge_type = SpecjudgeType::NORMAL;
  sub.interlib_type = InterlibType::NONE;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_td; i++) {
    Submission::TestdataLimit limit;
    limit.vss = 65536; // 64 KiB
    limit.rss = 0;
    limit.output = 65536;
    limit.time = 1000000; // 1 sec
  sub.remove_submission = true;
  sub.reporter = &reporter;
  { // submission files
    // mkdir TdPath(problem_id)
    for (int td = 0; td < num_td; td++) {
      // write input of testdata #td into TdInput(problem_id, td);
      // write answer of testdata #td into TdOutput(problem_id, td);
    // mkdir SubmissionCodePath(sub.submission_internal_id)
    // write submission code into SubmissionUserCode(sub.submission_internal_id)

    // note that submission code / testdata files can be symbolic links
  WorkLoop(false); // keep judging until all submissions in the queue are finished

Remember to link -ltioj -lpthread when compiling.