
add statistical annotations (pvalue significance) on an existing boxplot generated by seaborn boxplot

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

What is it

Python package to optionnally compute statistical test and add statistical annotations on an existing boxplot/barplot generated by seaborn.


  • Single function to add statistical annotations on an existing boxplot/barplot generated by seaborn boxplot.
  • Integrated statistical tests (binding to scipy.stats methods):
    • Mann-Whitney
    • t-test (independent and paired)
    • Welch's t-test
    • Levene test
    • Wilcoxon test
    • Kruskal-Wallis test
  • Smart layout of multiple annotations with correct y offsets.
  • Annotations can be located inside or outside the plot.
  • Format of the statistical test annotation can be customized: star annotation, simplified p-value, or explicit p-value.
  • Optionally, custom p-values can be given as input. In this case, no statistical test is performed.


The latest stable release can be installed from PyPI:

pip install statannot

You may instead want to use the development version from Github:

pip install git+https://github.com/webermarcolivier/statannot.git


See example jupyter notebook example/example.ipynb.


Here is a minimal example:

import seaborn as sns
from statannot import add_stat_annotation

df = sns.load_dataset("tips")
x = "day"
y = "total_bill"
order = ['Sun', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat']
ax = sns.boxplot(data=df, x=x, y=y, order=order)
test_results = add_stat_annotation(ax, data=df, x=x, y=y, order=order,
                                   box_pairs=[("Thur", "Fri"), ("Thur", "Sat"), ("Fri", "Sun")],
                                   test='Mann-Whitney', text_format='star',
                                   loc='outside', verbose=2)

More examples are available in the jupyter notebook example/example.ipynb.


Example 1

Example 2


  • Python >= 3.5
  • numpy >= 1.12.1
  • seaborn >= 0.8.1
  • matplotlib >= 2.2.2
  • pandas >= 0.23.0
  • scipy >= 1.1.0