If you have any questions, here i am.
composer require pathetic/tgbot:~1.2
"require": {
"pathetic/tgbot": "~1.2"
composer test
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Pathetic\TgBot\Bot as TgBot;
$bot = new TgBot('token');
# Commands
# Usage: /echo "something"
# You can even use default values: function($message, $something = "I don't know what to say.") {}
$bot->command('echo', function($message, $something) use ($bot) {
# You can use $message->from->firstName instead of $message->from->first_name
$bot->sendMessage($message->chat->id, $message->from->first_name . " says: $something");
# Usage: /sum 1 2 3
$bot->command('sum', function($message, ...$numbers) use ($bot) {
$result = 0;
foreach ($numbers as $number) {
$result += (int) $number;
# You can use $message->id instead of $message->message_id
$bot->sendMessage($message->chat->id, $result, null, $message->message_id);
# Usage: /img description
$bot->command('img', function($message, ...$description) use ($bot) {
if (empty($description)) return;
# Implode all arguments in one string.
$description = implode(chr(32), $description);
$images = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q=' . urlencode($description) . '&rsz=8'), true)['responseData']['results'];
$image = fopen($images[array_rand($images)]['unescapedUrl'], 'r');
$bot->sendPhoto($message->chat->id, $image, $description, $message->message_id);
# Events
function($message) {
# If you are the sender of current message, this will return true.
return 'YourUsername' == $message->from->username;
# This function will be executed if previous returned true.
function($message) use ($bot) {
# Reply to message.
$bot->sendMessage($message->chat->id, 'I love you.', null, $message->id);
# If this function will return false, the cycle will be broken so no other events for current message will be triggered.
return false;
# Updates handling
# Webhook
# Long polling
# This file should be runned as daemon.
while (true) {