
Upload With Progress Bar (Manage Media)

Primary LanguageC#

Project Description
Upload file up to any size in .net.
Validate the file (size, type) before uploading.
Upload with progress (Size, Speed, Time, TotalSize,...) (without any flash and silverlight).
Upload to temp file during upload
Save uploaded file with too many configs.

Similar to Google (GMail), Facebook, Rapidshare,....

Manage the Image file and save in any format (png, jpg, gif, bmp, ...)
Save image in any size.
Resizing has the followings: "Center, Tile, Stretch, Zoom, CenterIfNoZoom, Corp (facebook style)".
Set the Background and Foreground in your image.
Change the image Alpha and Resolution.

HttpHandler to generate the image Real time.
HttpModule to generate unsaved or deleted image.

web.config Section for Multiple settings to save file and image.
web.config Section to manage HttpHandler and HttpModule.

Successfully Tested on IIS6, IIS7, IIS7.5, Developer Tools