This is the code for the Tetrad project. Please, if you are a user of Tetrad, or even a novice, if you are willing, would you please consider giving us feedback on what you like about it or don't like about it? It would be most appreciated. Just open up an issue (click on the Issues tab, above). An introduction to Tetrad can be found here: Javadocs can be found by running the javadocs command on the project once checked out. Downloads directory is here: The wiki is here: The issue tracker is here: For instructions on how to set this project up in IntelliJ IDEA, see the Wiki. Alternatively, you can run the lifecycle package target and launch the ejar that is built in the target directory, using the call java -jar *-launch.jar The project contains fairly well-developed code in these packages: tetrad pitt tetradapp The tetrad-lib package contains the "model" code; the tetrad-gui package contains the "view" (GUI) code. We have a (small) team working (part-time) on this code, but if you have contributions to me, please feel free. If you have suggestions or bug reports, please subit those to the github issue tracker. If you have code contributions, these will be handled via the issue tracker and the GitHub pull-request procedure. As usual, please fork the repository if you'd like to work on it; contributions will be handled through the usual github review method by pull request.