
Rust implemenation of cv_bridge that converts between ROS image messages and OpenCV images

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Rust implemenation of cv_bridge that converts between ROS image messages and OpenCV images

Warning: This package is still under active development. Use at your own risk.

Getting Started

Adding cv_bridge to your project

Add the following to your Cargo.toml file under dependencies:

cv-bridge = "0.3.3"

or you can use cargo to add the dependency:

cargo add cv_bridge

Converting between ROS image messages and OpenCV images

use opencv::highgui;
use cv_bridge::{

fn main() {
    // Initialize ros node

    // Create image subscriber
    let _subscriber_raii = rosrust::subscribe(
        move |image: Image| {
            // Convert ros Image to opencv Mat
            let mut cv_image = CvImage::from_imgmsg(image).expect("failed to construct CvImage from ros Image"); 
            let mat = cv_image.as_cvmat().expect("failed to convert CvImage to Mat");

            // Display image
            let window = "view";
            highgui::named_window(window, highgui::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE).unwrap();
            highgui::imshow(window, &mat).unwrap();



  • Covert to and from sensor_msgs/Image and opencv::core::Mat
  • Support for various encodings defined by sensor_msgs: image_encodings.h crate
  • Support for 8-bit and 16-bit depth channels
  • Support for 32-bit and 64-bit depth channels
  • Documentation and examples
  • Covert to and from sensor_msgs/CompressedImage and opencv::core::Mat