- 0
#107 opened by ne0h007 - 0
The `quadtree` code is empty at 1.0.4
#106 opened by FavorMylikes - 0
Some tests are failing
#105 opened by kgashok - 23
Proposal/Ideas of things to add
#45 opened by IanDoarn - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
Syntax error in test.test_geometry
#72 opened by feynfan13 - 6
Better way to do images?
#69 opened by Tjstretchalot - 1
Jupyter Notebooks?
#61 opened by antmarakis - 4
importing strings package
#65 opened by dutraneto - 1
Updated PYPI Repository w/ latest master branch
#66 opened by IanDoarn - 1
Update readthedocs python version to 3.5
#62 opened by Tjstretchalot - 10
Branches, Deprication
#60 opened by IanDoarn - 10
Avoiding name conflicts in datastructures
#59 opened by Tjstretchalot - 1
Abstract interface for classes
#55 opened by abramovd - 2
Tests for different versions of Python
#57 opened by abramovd - 4
- 0
#47 opened by Tjstretchalot - 4
Error in pygorithm.geometry
#51 opened by OmkarPathak - 1
[enhancement] Removal/Rework of get_code(), time_complexities(), and
#44 opened by IanDoarn - 0
Help needed in Documentation
#40 opened by OmkarPathak - 9
Data Structures and Searching UnitTests Failing
#38 opened by IanDoarn - 2
Which Version of Python?
#36 opened by antmarakis - 2
Suggestion: Alternative names
#27 opened by Skeen - 1
- 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygorithm.sorting'; 'pygorithm' is not a package
#23 opened by Jackson-Jack - 1
Inconsistent Code
#21 opened by OmkarPathak - 1
Strassen' Algorithm
#18 opened by avirlrma - 2
Add Quickselect
#16 opened by r-mueller - 2
Tree implementation ? BST and BT ?
#11 opened by akshaysharma096 - 2
Change to the install instructions
#3 opened by Sudo-Kid - 1
Inconsistent function names
#6 opened by vhag