
Setup guide for CommuneAI on Windows

First off, this is based on the installation guide made by Visate. Without his steps, I would have been stuck!
For more info regarding many of the below steps. please read more on his page.


Setup Commune on Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise without Docker Desktop

YouTube version.

(for the people that would like to know what you are installing, you can find links at the bottom of the page)


Your IP needs to be a public IP (as in not behind a nat) and ensure you have setup port forwarding rules. Otherwise, Commune will not work! See step 9 for more details.

1. Setup WSL and Ubuntu

  • Right click the Start menu and open Windows Powershell (admin).
  • First set the default version of WSL.
wsl --set-default-version 2
  • Make sure WSL is up to date.
wsl --update
  • Install Ubuntu 22.04
  • During the installation, set user and password and remember them!
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04 
  • We could continue directly from here but it is good to check if all is working, so let's close the Powershell window.

2. Start Ubuntu and update

  • Click on the Start menu and start Ubuntu, there should now be a shortcut for Ubuntu in the Start menu.
  • Let's start with updating and upgrading our installation.
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

If you see a message regarding libcuda.so, you can ignore this. It is just a warning.

3. Install dependencies

  • Install pip
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
  • Install pipenv
pip install pipenv --user
  • Check path (result for me: /home/omni/.local)
python3 -m site --user-base
  • Update path, append /bin to the above path. Replace omni with your username.
export PATH="/home/omni/.local/bin:$PATH"
  • Permanently add to the path
nano ~/.bashrc 
  • This opens Nano text editor, use the arrow keys on your keyboard and go down to the end of the file.
  • Paste or write (export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH") without () at the end of the file, if you are new to Nano, one right-click will paste where the cursor is.
  • Once you have added the above line, press CTRL + x, answer Y and press enter to save and overwrite.

  • Install dependencies.
pipenv install click numpy protobuf==3.20 streamlit

4. Starting pipenv

  • Start pipenv
pipenv shell

5. Setup/installing Commune

  • Clone Commune Git
git clone https://github.com/commune-ai/commune.git
  • Change directory
cd commune
  • Pull latest files
make pull
  • Run install for commune
pip install -e ./

6. Install and configure Rust

  • Run the below commands, one after the other.
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
rustup install nightly-2023-01-01
rustup override set nightly-2023-01-01
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

7. Make sure you are the owner of the commune folder

  • Replace omni with your username
sudo chown -R omni:omni ~/.commune

8. Is commune running?

  • You should still be in the ~/commune folder. (~/ This is a shortcut to your home folder).
  • Let's see if you can list the modules.
c modules
  • If you could see a list of modules, congratulations!, commune is now working!

9. Set port range

  • Now that we know that Commune is running, lets set the port range for Commune (this is the ports you need to set in the port forward rule).
  • The blow range is just an example.
c set_port_range 50000 55000 
  • If you could see a list of modules, congratulations!, commune is now working!

10. Some extra commune commands.

  • Find your root key, this is good to save.
c root_key
  • You can start a local node if you need to. There could be some extra configuration depending on your system, see below for more info.
c start_local_node

11. How to start Commune the second time

  • If you want to or need to get back into Commune and use it, do the following.
  • Start Ubuntu from the Start menu.
  • Open the commune folder
cd commune
  • Start the pipenv
pipenv shell
  • From here you can use any of the commune commands i.e. c mcap, c stats and so on.
  • Best of luck!

12. Extra steps, if you want to run a local node.

  • Before you begin the below steps, you need to reboot at least once after completing the above steps and setting up Commune.
  • Install Docker
sudo apt install docker.io
  • Add your user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • REBOOT Windows!!, do not skip this step.
  • Go to the commune folder
  • Start the pipenv
pipenv shell
  • Enter commune folder
cd ~/commune/
  • Start local node
c start_local_node

13. Troubleshooting

  • If you have issues installing Ubuntu on step 1, run the four below commands and reboot your computer.
wsl --unregister Ubuntu-22.04
wsl --shutdown
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
  • If you see an error like this "fatal: No url found for submodule path 'comchat' in .gitmodules" when you try make pull, run this and try again.
git rm --cached comchat
  • If you see this error in the dashboard KeyError: 'module', enter the below and try starting the cash again.
c dash public=true
c st public=true

14. For the people that would like to know what they are installing.