
a library to parse and filter logs

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT


A library to parse and filter logs


  • it provides API to parse logs (from currentBuild or from another run or job) and append them with name of current branch/stage
    • as String for those who need to programatically parse logs
    • or as run artifacts for those who need to archive logs with branch names for later use
  • it provides accessors to 'pipeline step' logs
  • it provides accessors to 'Blue Ocean' logs urls for parallel branches and stages


  • tested with 2.190.1 & 2.263.4
  • for earlier versions see version 1 (1.4.1 last tested with 2.73.3)

Table of contents


import pipeline-logparser library

in Jenkinsfile import library like this

@Library('pipeline-logparser@2.0.1') _

identifier "pipeline-logparser" is the name of the library set by jenkins administrator in instance configuration:

  • it may be different on your instance
  • see below Installation

use library's functions:

after import the name of the package is logparser:

// get logs with branch prefix
def mylog = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()

Detailed Documentation

see online documentation here: logparser.txt

  • also available in $JOB_URL/pipeline-syntax/globals#logparser
    • visible only after the library has been imported once
    • requires configuring 'Markup Formater' as 'Safe HTML' in $JENKINS_URL/configureSecurity

this library provides functions:

  • to retrieve logs with branch info (as string or as run artifacts)
  • to filter logs from branches
  • to retrieve direct urls to logs (Pipeline Steps & Blue Ocean)


  • get Blue Ocean links to logs for parallel branches and stages

    • from current run

      stage ('stage1') {
        parallel (
          branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
          branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      def blueTree = logparser.getBlueOceanUrls()


      blueTree = [
          id:2, name:null, stage:false, parents:[], parent:null,
          id:4, name:stage1, stage:true, parents:[2], parent:2,
          id:7, name:branch1, stage:false, parents:[4, 2], parent:4,
          id:8, name:branch2, stage:false, parents:[4, 2], parent:4,
    • get Blue Ocean links from another job/run

      // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
      // using https://github.com/gdemengin/pipeline-whitelist
      @Library('pipeline-whitelist@2.0.1') _
      def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
      def blueTree = logparser.getBlueOceanUrls(otherBuild)
  • retrieve logs with branch info

    • add branch prefix [branchName] in front of each line for that branch

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      not in any branch
      [branch1] in branch1
      [branch2] in branch2
    • show stage name with option showStages=true

      stage ('stage1') {
        echo 'in stage 1'
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(showStages: true)


      [stage1] in stage 1
    • show parent branch name (parent branch first) for nested branches

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo()


      [branch2] in branch2
      [branch2] [branch21] in branch2.branch21
    • hide parent branch name with option showParents=false

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(showParents: false)


      [branch2] in branch2
      [branch21] in branch2.branch21
    • show VT100 markups (hidden by default as they make raw log hard to read) with option hideVT100=false

      // use node to make sure VT100 markups are in the logs
      node {
        def logs = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(hideVT100: false)
        assert logs ==~ /(?s).*\x1B\[8m.*?\x1B\[0m.*/
    • show Pipeline technical log lines (starting with [Pipeline]) with option hidePipeline=false

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(hidePipeline: false)


      [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      [Pipeline] echo
      not in any branch
      [Pipeline] parallel
      [Pipeline] [branch1] { (Branch: branch1)
      [Pipeline] [branch1] echo
      [branch1] in branch1
      [Pipeline] [branch2] { (Branch: branch2)
      [Pipeline] [branch2] echo
      [branch2] in branch2
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // parallel
  • archive logs in job artifacts (without having to allocate a node : same as ArchiveArtifacts but without node() scope)

    echo 'not in any branch'
    parallel (
      branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
      branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }

    result: logs.txt in $BUILD_URL/artifact with content:

    not in any branch
    [branch1] in branch1
    [branch2] in branch2
  • filter branch logs with option filter=[ list of branches to keep ]

    • filter by name

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch1' ])


      [branch1] in branch1
    • filter multiple branches

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' },
        branch3: { echo 'in branch3' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch1', 'branch3' ])


      [branch1] in branch1
      [branch3] in branch3
    • filter with regular expression

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ '.*2' ])


      [branch2] in branch2
    • show name of nested branches filtered out

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch2' ])


      [branch2] in branch2
      <nested branch [branch2] [branch21]>
    • hide name of nested branches filtered out with option markNestedFiltered=false

      parallel branch2: {
        echo 'in branch2'
        parallel branch21: { echo 'in branch2.branch21' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ 'branch2' ], markNestedFiltered: false)


      [branch2] in branch2
    • filter logs not in any branch

      echo 'not in any branch'
      parallel (
        branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
        branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      print logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo(filter: [ null ])


      not in any branch
      <nested branch [branch1]>
      <nested branch [branch2]>
  • get logs from another job/run

    // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
    // using https://github.com/gdemengin/pipeline-whitelist
    @Library('pipeline-whitelist@2.0.1') _
    def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
    def otherBuildLogs = logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo([:], otherBuild)
  • get pipeline steps tree, with links to logs, and information about parallel branches and stages

    • from current run

      stage ('stage1') {
        parallel (
          branch1: { echo 'in branch1' },
          branch2: { echo 'in branch2' }
      def stepsTree = logparser.getPipelineStepsUrls()


      stepsTree = [
          id:2, name:null, stage:false, parents:[], parent:null, children:[3, 15],
          id:3, name:null, stage:false, parents:[2], parent:2, children:[4, 14],
          id:4, name:stage1, stage:true, parents:[3, 2], parent:3, children:[5, 13],
          id:5, name:null, stage:false, parents:[4, 3, 2], parent:4, children:[7, 8, 10, 12],
          id:7, name:branch1, stage:false, parents:[5, 4, 3, 2], parent:5, children:[9],
          id:9, name:null, stage:false, parents:[7, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent:7, children:[],
          id:8, name:branch2, stage:false, parents:[5, 4, 3, 2], parent:5, children:[11],
          id:11, name:null, stage:false, parents:[8, 5, 4, 3, 2], parent:8, children:[],
          id:10, name:null, stage:false, parents:[5, 4, 3, 2], parent:5, children:[],
          id:12, name:null, stage:false, parents:[5, 4, 3, 2], parent:5, children:[],
          id:13, name:null, stage:false, parents:[4, 3, 2], parent:4, children:[],
          id:14, name:null, stage:false, parents:[3, 2], parent:3, children:[],
          id:15, name:null, stage:false, parents:[2], parent:2, children:[],
    • get Pipeline Steps links from another job/run

      // get RunWrapper for current job last stable run
      // using https://github.com/gdemengin/pipeline-whitelist
      @Library('pipeline-whitelist@2.0.1') _
      def otherBuild = whitelist.getLastStableRunWrapper(whitelist.getJobByName(env.JOB_NAME))
      def stepsTree = logparser.getPipelineStepsUrls(otherBuild)


install the library as a "Global Pipeline Library" in "Manage jenkins > Configure System > Global Pipeline Library" (cf https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/)

Global Pipeline Library Configuration


  • it's also possible to copy the code in a Jenkinsfile and use functions from there
  • but it would imply approving whatever needs to be in "Manage jenkins > In-process Script Approval" (including some unsafe API's)
  • using this library as a "Global Pipeline Library" allows to avoid that (avoid getting access to unsafe API's)

Known limitations

  • calls to logparser.getLogsWithBranchInfo() may fail (and cause job to fail) when log is too big (millions of lines, hundreds of MB of logs) because of a lack of heap space

  • logs of nested stages (stage inside stage) are not correctly handled in Blue Ocean (Blue Ocean limitation)

Change log

  • 1.0 (09/2019)

    • API to get edited logs with branchName (with nested branches, without VT100 markups, etc ...)
    • API to filter logs by branch name (get logs of a specific branch)
    • API to parse logs and retrieve maps of id/offsets/branchname
  • 1.0.1 (11/2019)

    • fix parsing issues (when there is only one branch and when logs of 2 branches are mixed without pipeline technical logs in between)
  • 1.1 (03/2020)

    • ability to set branch name to filter using regular expression
    • ability to filter more than one branch (API change : option filter is now a list)
    • ability to filter main thread (using filter = [null])
    • new option hidePipeline to filter Pipeline technical logs (default value true to hide them)
    • fix parsing issues with old version of workflow-job plugin
  • 1.2 (09/2020)

    • handle logs from stages and add option showStages (default false) to show/filter them
  • 1.3 (10/2020)

    • refactor to use objects available in rawbuild API (no more parsing of xml on disk)
      fixing known parsing limitations (no more need to wait a few seconds before to parse logs)
    • new API to retrieve URLs to logs of branches (Pipeline Steps URLs)
    • ability to parse logs from another run/job
  • 1.4 (11/2020)

    • reformat nested branch markups when filtering is used
  • 1.4.1 (02/2021)

    • optimize workflow steps parsing (avoid slowdown with large, and/or massively parallel, workflows)
  • 2.0 (11/2020)

    • new API to retrieve Blue Ocean URLs to logs of branches and stages
  • 2.0.1 (02/2021)

    • optimize workflow steps parsing (avoid slowdown with large, and/or massively parallel, workflows)