
File based database! Built for developer freedom.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Selfup - Rejs

File based database! Built for developer freedom.

Installation: npm install selfup-rejs --save

Load package:

const selfupRejs = require('selfup-rejs')
const rejs = new selfupRejs

How to Use:

Using RESTful verbs to help explain from a high level what is happening.

This is not a server.

This is a database that writes and reads files on the server.

  • (POST) Create a table: rejs.createTable('tablename')
  • (POST) Add data to table: rejs.newData('tablename', dataObject)
  • (DELETE) Delete data by ID in a table: rejs.deleteById('tablename', '2')
  • (DELETE) Drop a table: rejs.dropTable('tablename')
  • (PUT) Replace/Overwrite a table: rejs.updateTable('tablename', dataObject)
  • (GET) Table Object Query: rejs.getTable('tablename')
  • (GET) Find by ID: rejs.findId('tablename', 'id')
  • (GET) Where/Select: rejs.where('tablename', 'any value in a flat object')

Advanced Use:

Wipe a table, change initial data structure:

You will still have to use an ID but you can remove the initial {"0": {"table": 'tablename'}} Object.

You can use: writeToTable('tablename', dataObject)

dataObject must have an ID for the DB to work

Use at your own risk!

Example: writeToTable('tablename', {"0": {"color": "blue"}})