
A react wrapper for glider.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Storybook CircleCI Auto Release

A react wrapper for glider.js


yarn storybook


To use the CSS for glider.js in your app either include the css in your head.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/glider-js@1.6.0/glider.min.css" />

or just include it in your project if it is set up for that.

import 'glider-js/glider.min.css';

Demo Defaults

This package also exposes the CSS used to render the demo.

import Glider from 'react-glider/glider.defaults.css';

Perspective View

The CSS for the perspective view is not included in glider.js or this package. You can find it in .storybook/preview-head.html in the style tag. Please do not file bugs for it as I do not want to support it.