
a video call chat with peerjs and socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a video call chat with peerjs and socket.io

How to use the app

Setting up the app

Since WebRTC API, getUserMedia works only with https, we need to connect to the app with localhost ( if you deployed the app in a VM, you can use tunnels "port 8000 and 5000")

1- with docker compose :

after cloning the repo,run " cd webRTCapp && docker-compose up"
PS: Make sure port 8000 and 5000 are not used, otherwise modify the docker-compose.yml.

2- with docker :

run : docker run --name webRTCapp_front -d -p 8000:80 omwalid/webrtcapp_front:v1.1.5
docker run --name webRTCapp_back -d -p 5000:5000 omwalid/webrtcapp_back:v1.2

PS: you can use the app without docker image, either by setting up a web server with DocumentRoot: webRTCapp/client/code or opening only the index.html in webRTCapp/client/code, without forgetting to start up the nodeJS server with "cd webRTCapp/server && npm run dev"

Start using the app :

Go to localhost:8000/ and allow the use of Camera and microphone. Tadaaaa !! Now you can create and join meetings

Docker Images :

webRTCapp front : https://hub.docker.com/r/omwalid/webrtcapp_front
webRTCapp back : https://hub.docker.com/r/omwalid/webrtcapp_back