
New React Portfolio

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My portfolio using React

deployed app: https://portfolio-huber.herokuapp.com/

Table of Contents

About me

Contains a description of who I am, what I like to do, and the skills I have.


This page shows a few of the projects I've created or worked on.


Is a form one can fill out to contact me if desired.

Coding Languages Used

  • React
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • JSX
  • Javascript
  • Boostrap
  • HTML
  • CSS

NPMS & Specialty Libraries

This project was created with:

  • NPM axios
  • NPM react-bootstrap
  • NPM express
  • NPM dotenv
  • NPM nodeMailer
  • NPM react-spring

Helpful Hints

  • the portfolio has three pages: About, Portfolio, Contact
  • there are links for all three in top navbar and a button for professional links (github, linkedin, Resume)
  • portfolio page contains some of my projects.
  • contact form uses nodeMailer to send email and will notify user if email is sent successfully.

Specific Changes Made

  • Complete redesign and rebuild

Issues With Code

  • Would like to show the active tab on Navbar as well as chnage style if hovered over.