
A public repository of work for the Speech Verification RESTful API component of the undergrad squad for Doubtfire.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CodeQL Python Lint

Speaker Verification Django RESTful API

As Speaker Verification, a Python package, matures, the direction of its finial implementation needs to be considered. This project tends to be a continually evolving extension of Doubtfire. This direction, Speaker Verification API Based on Django, will serve as an effective way to guide next steps on how the project will proceed.

Table of Contents

Tech stack

Running the project


Setting up the project

  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/OnTrack-UG-Squad/speaker-verification-api.git
  1. Copy .env.dev.db.sample & .env.dev.sample files from sample_envs to project root. Remove .sample at the end of the file extensions.
$ cp sample_envs/.env.dev.db.sample .env.dev.db
$ cp sample_envs/.env.dev.sample .env.dev
  1. Fill the env files
  • Populate POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB in .env.dev.db (Choose any user name and password)
  • Copy these values to the corresponding fields in .env.dev: SQL_USER=POSTGRES_USER, SQL_DATABASE=POSTGRES_DB SQL_PASSWORD=POSTGRES_PASSWORD
  1. Populate SECRET_KEY in .env.dev - Generate a key with the following Python command
$ python3 -c 'import random; result = "".join([random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-*=+)") for i in range(50)]); print(result)'
  1. Run the Docker containers
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
  1. The app is listening at http://localhost:8000
  • Open http://localhost:8000/redis-healthcheck: Check the Redis's health and the response would be Redis is connected successfully
  • Open http://localhost:8000/flower: Redirects to the Flower dashboard

The runtime output can be viewed via docker logs

API Documentation

API Description

  • Enrolling a user
POST /enroll

Request POST

Parameter Type Description
id number User ID
recording_link string User's recording link


Field Type Description
success boolean The result of enrolment's processing
  • Validating a recording
POST /validate

Request POST

Parameter Type Description
id number User ID
recording_link string User's recording link


Field Type Description
success boolean The result of enrolment's processing
data object The value contains the accuracy score


Enrolling a user

Send POST request to http://localhost:8000/enroll with the content:

  "id": 123456789, 
  "recording_link": "https://speaker-ver-api-td.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/enrollment.flac"

If this has been successful you should see in the response:

  "success": true 

Validating a recording

Send a POST request to http://localhost:8000/validate with the content:

  "id": 123456789, 
  "recording_link": "https://speaker-ver-api-td.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/validation.flac"

If this has been successful you should see in the response:

  "success": true,
  "data": { 
    "score": 83.34 