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Quick access to HTML reports with results for each study: https://oncornalab.github.io/exRNAQC

Full Length RNAseq


Used for RNA access libraries, but with adaptations one can also use it for other library preps. Before starting the analysis you need to know if the data is stranded or unstranded and single or paired end sequenced. The latter, you will notice in the fastq files. If the strandedness is unsure, you can always load a STAR output file in IGV.


use latest script: RNASeq_preprocessing.py (see Preprocessing/FullLengthRNAseq) For more info on how to run it, look at README.md in same folder


For quality control, you can run MultiQC in the parent directory when the pipeline is finished.

multiqc -f .

Further processing

See Rmarkdown files (exRNAQC004 and exRNAQC005). The annotation file needs to be made based on template (see example_annotation.csv in Resource folder). You may add extra columns on the right.

You can download the data locally on your computer with RSync (PICARD_output.txt, .rds files for coverage analysis, abundance.tsv files for kallisto counts):

Rsync -zvar --exclude="*gz" --exclude="*fa" --exclude="*sam" --exclude="*bam" --exclude="*/*srout*/_STAR*" --exclude="*/*srout*/Unmapped*" --exclude="*/fastqc*" hpc:/PATH .

Small RNAseq


use latest script: smallRNASeq_preprocessing.py (see Preprocessing/SmallRNAseq) For more info on how to run it, look at README.md in same folder

Further processing

See Rmarkdown files (exRNAQC011 and exRNAQC013). Annotation files needed.

Preprocessing exceptions

In case of manual demultiplexing

The pipeline only runs if the folder layout has a specific structure: NSQ_RunXXX/RNA002019-123456/RNA002019-123456_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz. If the run is not downloaded from Basespace, but all fastq files are in 1 folder (so the folder should only contain files with *fastq.gz, try running:

rename _R1_001.fastq.gz _L001_R1_001.fastq.gz *gz && # Optional, if the lane is not in the filename (e.g. demultiplexing without splitting lanes).
for sample in $(ls *fastq.gz | cut -d'_' -f 1 | uniq); 
   current_time=$(date "+%H%M%S") && 
   mkdir ${sample}-${current_time} &&
   mv $sample*R1_001.fastq.gz ${sample}-${current_time}; 

No RNA numbers in file name

It can occur that the filename does not contain an RNA number, but a sample name (e.g. exRNAQC-005-D3-Citrate-t16_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz instead of RNA004898S3_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz There is a different BaseSpaceDownloader.py located under ./Resources in this repo that changes the folder names to this RNA number. The files can then be renamed with renameFq.py