
Linux config files

Primary LanguageLua


Linux config files (currently lots of example configs, will customize at some point)

-- currently using:

  • leftwm
  • alacritty
  • rlaunch
  • polybar
  • feh


  • create an update script, to run alongside pacman -Syu
  • more nvim things


for setup, clone this, copy setmeup.sh into the home directory and run it.

This is all expected to be done from your user's home directory, and will create a desktop_env folder inside.

DO NOT delete this folder as it contains the binaries which are symlinked to your /usr/bin (more on this in the Information section)


setmeup.sh MUST be run with root privileges or as root directly. The commands where this is required are clearly marked with ROOT REQUIRED HERE.

The use cases requiring root involve:

  • Removing existing /usr/bin binaries for binaries compiled by the script, if any exist
  • Adding symlinks to /usr/bin from the new folder
  • Using chown and chmod on the rlock binary
  • Using chmod on the up and down scripts for the leftwm theme