Smart contracts for the QIN token. For a more in-depth look at other aspects of the OneDaijo Project, visit
The following prerequisites will be necessary to build and run the OneDaijo project smart contracts (Ubuntu examples provided):
- Install node and install npm:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install node-gyp
# Allows the typical "node" command to be used.
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
- Install truffle (beta 4.0), testrpc, web3 (0.20.1), and solium linter. Note: to install to a local directory (the OneDaijo project folder, for instance), remove the -g (and sudo). This is helpful as to not have version collissions with other projects' requirements:
sudo npm install -g truffle@beta
sudo npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
sudo npm install -g solium
# Installing locally generally works better.
sudo npm install web3@0.20.1
# Sometimes required by web3
sudo npm install xhr2
The OneDaijo project uses truffle, so the typical truffle commands will work. For full truffle documentation, see the truffle docs and the truffle beta release.
To build the contracts and publish artifacts to the build/
folder, run:
truffle compile
from the base of the OneDaijo repo.
For the rest of the sample commands, an ethereum network will be required. OneDaijo uses testrpc to test against. For testing the OneDaijo smart contracts, run testrpc in a separate shell session (or in the background). It must stay running while truffle as long as truffle is interacting with the network:
# Increase the gas limit to allow larger Solidity tests to be deployed.
testrpc --gasLimit 471238801
or you can run the included script to start tesrpc in the background and silence output:
To publish the contracts to the network, run:
truffle migrate
from the base of the repo.
To run the contract tests, run:
truffle test
from the base of the repo.
npm install --save-dev coveralls
npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
To run the coverage report, run:
from the base of the repo.