
Data Repository for OneDest (CivMC)

Primary LanguagePython

OneDest Data Repository

This repo holds the data for the OneDest rail routing standard on CivMC:

tree.txt has the data for all existing stations and levels, organized in a simple custom indented tree format, which is then used to create the civmap.json file that is displayed on civmap as a layer. Some notes:

  • The created civmap layer shows the location of each station in the system and clicking on their symbols will provide their corresponding /dest on the sidebar
  • Each station/level can have a set of coordinates attributed to it, these are placed in brackets following the name, ie. coolcity (34234,24,2341)
  • The y level can be ommited from the coordinate and the parser will accept it, however this should be avoided whenever possible.
  • The coordinate should refer to (or reasonably near to) the entry point of the rail where the player starts their journey.
  • Line comments can be started with a #, if present, a comment following a node will appear in its corresponding civmap symbol sidebar under "notes"
  • Region color can be defined by writing an hex color value in between <> brackets, the color will apply to the current and all following nodes until arriving at a new level 2 node, which causes color to reset automatically.