
In this activity, you will build a command-line tool that generates an HTML portfolio page from user input.


  • Your application should prompt the user for information like their name, location, bio, LinkedIn URL, and GitHub URL. Feel free to add any additional prompts you think of.

  • An HTML document containing the information collected from the prompts should be constructed and written to the file system. Be sure to add some CSS styling to the document.

  • You’ll need the following tools and technologies to accomplish this:

    • fs for writing to the file system

    • inquirer for collecting user input

    • String template literals for generating a string version of the HTML document before it is written to the file system

💡 Hints

It might be a good idea to start building out the HTML skeleton in a real HTML file. Once you're happy with the HTML file's appearance in the browser, you can copy and paste its contents into a string template literal. Then you can write a function to insert the user input into the appropriate places in the HTML string before writing it to the file system.

🏆 Bonus

  • Instead of using callback functions, what are some other tools in JavaScript we can use to handle asynchronous functionality?

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