
🚀 Example projects to help you get started with GraphCMS on OneGraph

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GraphCMS Examples

Example projects to help you get started with GraphCMS on OneGraph.

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To use GraphCMS from OneGraph, add your GraphCMS schema from the Architect tab on the OneGraph Dashboard.


GraphCMS Features & Recipes

Examples demonstrating how to use GraphCMS features.

Features Description Demo
Using Mutations Next.js app demonstrating how to use GraphCMS mutations with graphql-request, SWR and API routes https://graphcms-using-mutations.now.sh
Using Union Types A basic product marketing site using union types to compose UI 'blocks' with components. Built with Next.js, graphql-request and Tailwind CSS https://graphcms-using-union-types.now.sh

Frameworks & Libraries

Examples demonstrating how to use GraphCMS with popular application frameworks.

Frameworks & Libraries Description Demo
Apollo Server Using apollo-datasource-graphql to pull a GraphCMS schema into an existing Apollo Server https://graphcms-with-apollo-server.herokuapp.com
Express A simple Express app using ejs templating and awesome-graphql-client https://graphcms-with-express.herokuapp.com
Gatsby A basic Gatsby site that uses gatsby-source-graphql to build product pages with data from GraphCMS https://graphcms-with-gatsby.now.sh
Gatsby Image How to use gatsby-image with GraphCMS assets https://graphcms-with-gatsby-image.now.sh
GraphCMS Image How to use graphcms-image with Gatsby https://graphcms-with-graphcms-image.now.sh
Gridsome A basic example using gridsome create CLI and @gridsome/source-graphql https://graphcms-with-gridsome.now.sh
MDX (with Next.js) This example demonstrates how to use markdown fields from GraphCMS with MDX in Next.js https://graphcms-with-nextjs-mdx-remote-ynnoj.graphcms.vercel.app
Next.js A basic Next.js application, featuring getStaticProps and getStaticPaths to build static product pages https://graphcms-with-nextjs.now.sh
Nuxt.js A simple Nuxt.js starter using create-nuxt-app CLI with Tailwind and Axios added https://graphcms-with-nuxtjs.now.sh
React.js create-react-app example that uses apollo-client to build a blog https://graphcms-with-reactjs.now.sh
Vue.js A vanilla Vue.js starter using vue create CLI with Vue Router https://graphcms-with-vuejs.now.sh
Sapper A SeveltJs example using Sapper https://graphcms-with-sapper.now.sh