
"Check current project" doesn't work in QtCreator 4.1.0 for Linux (x64)

evertondornelas opened this issue · 3 comments

Using QtCreator 4.10 in Linux (Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.1 and Ubuntu 16.04.1), the option Tools -> CppCheck -> Check current project doesn't work.

No action appears to be taken when the option is selected (or when the shortcut [Alt+C, Ctrl+A] is used).

I tested Windows version and it works fine.

Tested on several systems including 16.04.1 - works for me.
You can enable show binary's output option to see some details about cppcheck invocation.

Do a test with Autotools project.

You need to enable AutotoolsProjectManager in Help -> About Plugins -> Build Systems.

When I did a test with Qmake project, worked without problems. But the same didn't occurs with an Autotools project.

Looks like it doesn't work only when you open project for the first time. Possible qtc can't provide project's files list when plugin requests it. It starts working when you change active project.
However, now plugin reparses project if it looked empty before.
