- 1
Cannot install to QT 4.5.2..
#45 opened - 1
- 5
Support for Qt Creator 4.0.0>=beta1
#15 opened by ronjouch - 2
- 11
Analysis of project with v4.5.0 (Windows) is significantly slower than CppCheck GUI
#38 opened by cchambers1982 - 2
Cannot integrate qtc-cppcheck
#37 opened by hongsonitptit - 2
Document how to use plugin
#35 opened by kubark42 - 1
- 4
Excluding files does not work
#33 opened by gilprime - 2
- 2
Qtcreator 4.3 error in Arch linux
#22 opened by alabd14313 - 3
"Check current project" doesn't work in QtCreator 4.1.0 for Linux (x64)
#19 opened by evertondornelas - 3
Qt Creator 4.1.0 Support
#18 opened by elkvis - 2
Ability to exclude files from check
#17 opened by dbedrenko - 1
Missing install instructions
#16 opened by lukastvrdy - 4
- 5
- 2
Does not work with Qt Creator 3.2.1
#5 opened by kynan - 1
Failed to build on Linux.
#7 opened by dismine - 1
QtCreator 3.3 can't enable this plugin
#6 opened by johngull - 4
Qt5 + QtCreator 3.1.2 porting issue
#3 opened by RiseOfDeath - 2