Based on TinyFileManager by prasathmani, PiZero-WU TinyFileManager is simple web based file manager that is a small, fast, multi-language ready web application for storing, uploading, editing and managing files and folders online via web browser. The Application runs on PHP 5.5+.
The Tiny File Manager PiZero-WU fork includes settings, extensions and code to permit viewing of special file types rendered by an additional support routine pyembroidery and configuration specific fetaures for PiZero-WU. The pyembroidery extension enables embroidery files to be rendered (viewed) within Tiny File Manager from this fork. See the demonstration below:
See graphic below for short demonstration
Login Details : admin/admin@123 | user/12345
Tinyfilemanager remains to have documentation created. Operation is largely discoverable conforming where possible to functional norms.
- PHP 5.5.0 or higher.
- pyemroidery
- Fileinfo, iconv, zip, tar and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.
Installation is intended to be managed by PiZero-Wu installer.
For manual install:
a) Download the ZIP containing the latest version from master branch.
b) Unzip the files into a folder in your webspace. e.g. cd /var/www/html/tinyfilemanager
c) Check the following seeings in the tinyfilemanager.php file (extracted in the previous step) :
$root_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tinyfilemanager/usb';
set root url for links in file manager.Relative to $http_host. Variants: '', 'path/to/subfolder'
$root_url = '/tinyfilemanager/usb';
Note '/tinyfilemanager/usb' is a link to the folder containing files to be managed with TinyFileManager. The link and files will need the appropriate access privaliges. It is typically the web user account (e.g. www-data), not the TinyFileManager user names that need access to the files. The extension is transparent to normal operation of Tinyfilemanager.
d) Create the temporary folder.
Typically in the /var/www/html/tinyfilemanager folder to be used by the pyembroidery rendering software. e.g.
cd /var/www/html/tinyfilemanager
sudo mkdir tmp
e) Create a link to files to be shared.
Create a link in the Tiny File Manager Folder to the files to be accessed by TinyFileManager.
If the '/mnt/usb_share' does not exists use the following command to create it:
sudo mkdir /mnt/usb_share
Typically to link the shared file location into tinyfilemanger use the following commands:
cd /var/www/html/tinyfilemanager
sudo ln -s /mnt/usb_share usb
The commands above link together the sub folder /var/www/html/tinyfilemanager/usb to the shared drive space at /mnt/usb_share.
To install the pyembroidery viewer use the following commands for Python version 3 and a Raspberry Pi:
sudo cd /home/pi/
sudo pip3 install pyembroidery
In test versions the authentication default is set to false. i.e. no passwords are required.
New passwords are set by using to generate a hash. The hash is stored in the arrray "auth_users" which also defines the names. The defaults are:
Default username/password: admin/admin@123 and user/12345.
To add or change the user names and passwords, the array $auth_users must be edited.
before use. password is encrypted with password_hash()
. to generate new password hash here
To enable/disable authentication set $use_auth
to true or false.
- 💿 Open Source, light and extremely simple
- 📱 Mobile friendly view for touch devices
- ℹ️ Basic features likes Create, Delete, Modify, View, Quick Preview, Download, Copy and Move files
- ⏫ Ajax Upload, Ability to drag & drop, upload from URL, multiple files upload with file extensions filter
- 📁 Ability to create folders and files
- 🎁 Ability to compress, extract files (
) - 😎 Support user permissions - based on session and each user root folder mapping
- 💾 Copy direct file URL
- ✏️ Cloud9 IDE - Syntax highlighting for over
languages, Over35+
themes with your favorite programming style - 📄 Google/Microsoft doc viewer helps you preview
. 25 MB can be previewed with the Google Drive viewer - ⚡ Backup files and IP blacklist and whitelist
- 🔎 Search - Search and filter files using
datatable js
- 📁 Exclude folders and files from listing
- 🌐 Multi-language(20+) support and for translations
is file required ‼️ lots more...
- Available under the GNU license
- Original concept and development by
- CDN Used - jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Highlight js, ace js, DropZone js, ekko-lightbox js, and DataTable js
- To report a bug, please file an issue
- Contributors
- Donations to the author of the upstream master.
Donations to this fork author - None