
Connect and interface with the OnePageCRM REST API with python

Primary LanguagePython

OnePageCRM Python Client

Connect and interface with the OnePageCRM REST API


pip install onepagecrm


The first thing to do is to set up your client

from onepagecrm import OnePageCRMAPI, RequestError, UnknownError
# Replace the user_id and api_key with your values
client = OnePageCRMAPI(user_id, api_key)

Once you have your client set up you can start making requests.

Getting data:

contacts = client.get('contacts')['contacts']

# Limit returned data
email_addresses = []
for contact in client.get('contacts', fields='emails', sparse=True)['contacts']:
    emails = contact['contact'].get('emails')
    if emails:
        email_addresses.extend([e.get('value') for e in emails])

# Filter data
contacts = client.get('contacts', modified_since='2014-07-10')

# Paginate
contacts = client.get('contacts', page=2, per_page=25)

# Sorting and Ordering
contacts = client.get('contacts', sort_by='modified_at', order='asc')

Create new resources:

contact = client.post('contacts', {'first_name': 'Michael',
                                   'last_name': 'Fitzgerald',
                                   'company_name': 'OnePageCRM'})['contact']
contact_id = contact['id']

text = 'Had a meeting today in cafe 47 with Michael to discuss new features'
note = client.post('notes', {'text': text,
                             'contact_id': contact_id,
                             'date': '2014-07-10'})['note']
note_id = note['id']
# Partial create to autofill missing fields
deal = client.post('deals', {'name': 'Lunch costs',
                             'amount': 12.50,
                             'status': 'won',
                             'contact_id': contact_id},
deal_id = deal['id']

Update existing resources:

contact['background'] = 'CEO of OnePage'
contact = client.put('contacts', contact_id, contact)['contact']

# To do a partial update
update = {'background': 'CEO of OnePageCRM'}
contact = client.patch('contacts', contact_id, update)['contact']

# To attach a note to a deal
client.patch('notes', note_id, {'linked_deal_id': deal_id})

Delete resources you no longer need:

client.delete('deals', deal_id)
client.delete('contacts', contact_id)
# To undo the deletion of a contact
client.delete('contacts', contact_id, undo=True)