setExternalUserId causes user email to become "Never Subscribed"
dlipford360 opened this issue · 1 comments
I have tried many variations of the below code to troubleshoot ( with and without async. inline code. putting setExternalUserId inside a then after setEmail. Putting setEmail inside a callback after setExternalUserId)
await OneSignal.setEmail(email).then(() => {
The above code will cause the user to become "Never Subscribed"
while if the code is simply
followed by no setExternalUserId the email will be fine and subscribed.
But I need to set the externalUserId because I am syncing this user with a mixpanel user via the $onesignal_user_id.
If I try to run
following the setExternalUserId it will not do anything and the user will remain as "Never Subscribed" Onesignal says they have fixed the issue on their end.