React OneSignal Module: Make it easy to integrate OneSignal with your React App!
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processSubscriptionModel: missing onesignalId
#136 opened by tragicmj - 4
[Bug]: identifyUser: malformed request
#121 opened by KDederichs - 2
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[Question]: Web Push notifications work perfectly fine in Safari but fail to send in Chrome and Firefox.
#149 opened by PeterJitta - 2
[Bug]: Login: No identity model found
#140 opened by emiltsang-flow - 1
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[Question]: i have some error show in my log ,Can this error affect notifications?
#147 opened by aliimron123 - 0
[Bug]: Using function
#146 opened by Arkningy - 3
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[Question]: Is there a specific reason you can not over ride ONE_SIGNAL_SCRIPT_SRC
#145 opened by penfold45 - 5
[Bug]: migration issue from v2 to v3
#125 opened by sshanzel - 3
[Bug]: Brave browser blocks SDK script
#118 opened by promisetochi - 2
[TypeScript]: export types and interfaces for reuse (still missing export in 3.0.0)
#108 opened by NotEvenANeko - 3
[Bug]: Login: No identity model found
#126 opened by arian921017 - 0
[Bug]: Notification permission status evaluates to incorrect value after setting and immediately closing app
#138 opened by iAmWillShepherd - 2
[Question]: Integrating OneSignal ServiceWorker with existing React Service Worker
#131 opened by risingwolf21 - 1
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[Bug]: setExternalUserId never resolve
#86 opened by aivils - 1
[Question]: How do get current subscription session external_id/active tags or any other information attached to subscription?
#134 opened by Virtouzo - 0
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[Bug]: PATCH 401 (Unauthorized)
#127 opened by arian921017 - 1
[Bug]: The OneSignal web SDK can only be initialized once. Extra initializations are ignored. Please remove calls initializing the SDK more than once.
#129 opened by SneakingSlayer - 1
[TypeScript] Inadequate Type Definitions for OneSignal.init parameters
#124 opened by PrinceGupta1999 - 5
[Bug]: Initilization on Firefox doesn't work.
#87 opened by sshanzel - 9
[Bug]: NextJS window is not defined
#119 opened by KDederichs - 2
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Type error
#114 opened by tcetin - 1
3.0.0 Beta Released!
#101 opened by rgomezp - 1
[Bug]: Request to Include `isOptedOut` method
#115 opened by DavidQuartz - 1
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[question]: React PWA working in macOS android but not iOS home screen app problem with init
#111 opened by obbila - 1
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[question]: How can I invoke the sendSelfNotification method in a React Setup?
#76 opened by nisar-snsw - 2
[Bug]: Uncaught (in promise) Error: You need to provide your OneSignal appId.
#85 opened by pedroaurelli - 4
Add isPushNotificationsSupported API
#51 opened by slamacchia - 2
[question]: How can I hide the bell?
#92 opened by agustinramos - 1
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[question]: Why is Init async, and shouldnt the window["onesignal"] queue get initialized earlier?
#78 opened by timbrownsf - 1
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HTTPs not working with Chrome
#61 opened by usman0011 - 1
logoutEmail() should probably return a promise
#53 opened by statico