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A simple social media web application with CRUD functionalithy for ficticious client Groupomania.
This is a full-stack project with me doing both front and back end.
Technologies: React.js, Sass, Node.js, Express, MySQL.
This is my final project for web dev school.
Instrunctions to run project locally
Setting up environment
- Clone this repo locally
- Navigate to /backend folder on the command line
- Run command "npm install" (don't include quotation marks)
Setting up MySQL database
- Create a MySQL database on port 3306
- Add MySQL credentials to a new backend/.env file. You will need the following variables: (DB_HOST={Your database hostname}, DB_USER={Your database username}, DB_PASSWORD={Your database password}, DB_PORT={Your database port}, DB_DATABASE={Your database name}, DB_DIALECT=mysql)
- For your convenience I have included a self-cointaind dump export of the structure of database in backend/others. You can import this structure into your newly created MySQL database and skip the next few steps.
- Go to the backend/models folder
- Open models one of the files in that folder
- Uncomment the MySQL syncronization block of code close to the end of the file and save it.
- On the command line, from the backend folder run command "npm start".
- This will start your backend API and sync the model. You can now kill the server program.
- Re-comment the synchronization block of code in the model file and save it again to prevent it from syncing everytime.
- Repeat process for every model in the models folder.
Setting up JWT
- Go the the backend/.env file again and add a variable JSONWEBTOKEN_KEY={Your random string here}.
Starting backend server
- Run the backend API if not yet running (on the command line navigate to /backend and run "npm start").
Setting up frontend
- On a new command line window navigate to /frontend directory and run "npm install".
Starting frontend
- On a new command line window navigate to /frontend directory and run command "npm start".
- the front end app will lauch in the browser.
- You ara all set!.