OneCodeGR - ShopFlix plugin

GitHub version GitHub license

This extension is connecting your OpenCart v3.0.3.x with SHOPFLIX


Version PHP 7.1 - 7.2

Version 7.3+


  • Upload to your system using Admin > Extension > Installer
  • Open Admin > Extensions > Extensions
  • Select Modules, and scroll until you find the module name OneCodeGr - ShopFLix
  • Press install button for the plugin

    Grand administration

    • Open Admin > System > Users > User Groups
    • Edit Administrator
    • Add to Access Permission & Modify Permission all the choices which contain extension/module/onecode/*
    • Add Server IP on Admin > System > Users > APi under default Api Username


  • As you have the access on the plugin , you will have a new Left side menu option OneCode
  • Select Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Configuration
  • On configuration screen you will have the ability to enable / disable the plugin, set configuration for shopflix integration, and XML exportation
  • As you set your values press Save.


Product XML

For Xml process we have two (2) options, an online (produce the XML on each request), & an offline (serve always the latest created XML or created if not exists). More over the XML has two variants (simple/detailed).

For the online case the urls are:

  1. simple/minimal => {proto}://{open-cart-domain}/index.php? route=extension/module/onecode/shopflix/product/feed/createMinimal&token={token-hash}
  2. full/detailed => {proto}://{open-cart-domain}/index.php? route=extension/module/onecode/shopflix/product/feed/createDetailed&token={token-hash}

For the offline case the urls are:

  • simple/minimal => {proto}://{open-cart-domain}/index.php? route=extension/module/onecode/shopflix/product/feed/minimal&token={token-hash}
  • full/detailed => {proto}://{open-cart-domain}/index.php? route=extension/module/onecode/shopflix/product/feed/detailed&token={token-hash}


  • If you have many products, in order to reduce the execution and synchronization time to the minimum, you can combine both versions (online & offline). You can use the online URL on your cron engine, and provide to shopflix the offline URL.
  • On the other hand, if you want always to provide a fresh product list you can provide it to shopflix only online URL, without to required from your side to maintain any cron engine.

Sync Orders

In order to fetch your orders from shopflix you can press the sync button under Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Order

Also, you can use the plugin oc-cli to enable the cli access to sync method.

An example call should be :

php ./oc_cli.php admin extension/module/onecode/shopflix/order/manual_sync

Accept Order

To Accept an order you must press the green button Accept on order row

Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Order

Reject Order

To Reject an order you must press the red button Reject on order row

Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Order

Fetch Shipment

To Fetch Shipments an order you must press the blue button Shipment on order row

Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Order


To Print voucher we have two ways:

  • Under Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Order using print button on order row
  • Under Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Shipment using print button on shipment row, Also you can print voucher for multiple shipments.


To Print manifest:

  • Under Admin > OneCode > Shopflix > Shipment using print button on shipment row, Also you can print voucher for multiple shipments.