
Temporal repository for watching reports of pbft-internal status

Primary LanguagePython


Temporal repository for watching reports of pbft-internal status

Install (local)

pip install -e .

Usage (local)

Move to app directory, then

python -m application.py

Reports will be shown on localhost:8050.

Install (deploy)

pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt

Usage (deploy)

Move to app directory, then

gunicorn -b :80 application:server

Reports will be shown on port 80.

To update daily report, background app is needed.
You can trigger it by

python -m background.py

Validator status


Node status of validators : generated by nodeStatus gql query.

  • Green circle : Online
  • Red circle : Offline

Latest votes of validators : generated by blockQuery gql query. (fetch 30 recent blocks)

  • Green circle : PreCommit vote
  • Red circle : Null vote

Daily report


pbftstats.application will trigger script that saves daily logs and reports, and show reports on browser.

Number of precommits per each validator : daily precommit sum of validators
Number of transactions per each player : daily transactions of players

Time will be taken for gathering sufficient logs before report shown on the browser.

If you don't need report on local mode

Below two lines on application.py is used for collecting data and generating report.
If you don't need, you may remove those lines.

collect(collect_path, host_url, collect_start_block_index, collect_chunk_size)
Process(target=report, args=(collect_path, report_path, report_interval)).start()