- 0
Error in Rust Variable Name page
#2006 opened by uptudev - 0
"How to convert pointer to reference in Rust" example code does not compile
#2003 opened by sudobeans - 0
- 1
"How to iterate enum in Rust" is not valid Rust
#2000 opened by jasger9000 - 1
Write a set of code solutions: "twig php" (twig)
#1999 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "phpunit" (PHPUnit)
#1997 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "julialang" (julialang)
#1994 opened by nonunicorn - 3
Flicker appears when hover over a keyword
#1975 opened by sulmar - 1
Write a set of code solutions: "php pcntl" (php-pcntl)
#1993 opened by nonunicorn - 1
Issue with absent explanation lines
#1986 opened by nonunicorn - 0
Automatically map functions `()` from explanations to match possible arguments
#1995 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 2
Write a set of code solutions: "php symfony console" (php-symfony-console)
#1991 opened by nonunicorn - 1
Write a set of code solutions: "python openai api example" (python-openai)
#1990 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 0
- 0
Fix code for Mongo -> use "exists" operator
#1987 opened by nonunicorn - 1
Write a set of code solutions: "mongodb" (mongodb)
#1985 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "php regex" (php-regex)
#1981 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 1
Add Two-way explanation
#1976 opened by sulmar - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "mariadb" (mariadb)
#1973 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "csvkit" (csvkit)
#1971 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 0
- 1
Write a set of code solutions: "scp" (scp)
#1967 opened by nonunicorn - 0
- 0
Write a set of code solutions: "aiohttp websocket example" (python-aiohttp)
#1965 opened by nonunicorn - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Short solution needed: "Rust lang zip iterator" (rust)
#1955 opened by nonunicorn - 1
Short solution needed: "Rust lang xor" (rust)
#1952 opened by nonunicorn - 0
Short solution needed: "Rust lang where" (rust)
#1951 opened by nonunicorn - 1
Add open graph tags in website
#1961 opened by theritikchoure - 1
Short solution needed: "Rust lang yaml" (rust)
#1953 opened by nonunicorn - 0
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