
Implement simple funds transfer interface

Primary LanguageGo

Funds Transfer Service API


An online API for funds transfer service. User can retrieve balance and transactions, and send money to other user. Once the transfer processing interrupt, the transaction will be rollback.


1.To run shell scripts to setup environment.

# Start mysql docker container and redis docker container, to inject SQL file into MySQLã€
cd Scripts/
sudo bash deployment.sh

2.Run main file to run service

go run main.go

API Reference

Retrieve Transactions

  • User Retrieve Transactions Interface
Request URL
  • http://localhost:8080/api/user/transaction
HTTP Request Method
  • Get
Parameter name Type Description Optional
uid string user name Not Null
auth string Authorization Not Null
bankCode string Bank Code Not Null
accountNo string Account Number Not Null
from string IP address Not Null
env string Device info(OS) Optional
page int Transaction Page Optional
Response Representations
    "error_code": 0,
    "data": {
      "uid": <User name>,
	  "requestTime": <Request Time>,
	   "accountNo": <Account Number>,
	   "targetAccountNo": <Target Account Number>,
	   "amount": <Amount>,
	   "time" : <TransactionsTime>,
	   "status": <Transactions Status>
	   "accountNo": <Account Number>,
	   "targetAccountNo": <Target Account Number>,
	   "amount": <Amount>,
	   "time" : <TransactionsTime>,
	   "status": <Transactions Status>
	  "transactionPage": 1

Retrieve Balance

  • User Retrieve Balance Interface
Request URL
  • http://localhost:8080/api/user/balance
HTTP Request Method
  • Get
Parameter name Type Description Optional
uid string user name Not Null
auth string Authorization Not Null
bankCode string Bank Code Not Null
accountNo string Account Number Not Null
from string IP address Not Null
env string Device info(OS) Optional
Response Representations
    "error_code": 0,
    "data": {
      "uid": <User name>,
	  "accountNo": <Account Number>,
      "balance": <Balance>,
	  "requestTime": <Request Time>,
Property name Type Description
error_code int Error code
data - Response data
uid string User name
accountNo string Account number
balance decimal Account balance
requestTime date Request Time

Funds Transfer

  • Funds Transfer Interface
Request URL
  • http://localhost:8080/api/user/transaction
HTTP Request Method
  • Post
Parameter name Type Description Optional
uid string user id Not Null
auth string Authorization Not Null
srcCode string Source bank Code Not Null
accountNo string Source account Number Not Null
targetCode string Target bank Code Not Null
targetAccountNo string Target account Number Not Null
amount decimal Transaction money Not Null
from string IP address Not Null
env string Device info(OS) Optional
Response Representations
    "error_code": 0,
    "data": {
      "responseTime": 100,
      "reqStatus": "success",
	  "src": {
		"serialNo":  <Transaction ID>,
		"srcCode": "BA001",
		"accountNo": <Source Card Number>,
		"targetCode": "BA002",
		"targetAccountNo": <Target Card Number>,
		"amount": <Amount>,
		"uid": <Userid>,
		"from": <Source IP>,
		"env": <Operating System Info>,
		"reqTime": <Request Time>,
Property name Type Description
error_code int Error code
data - Response data
responseTime int Service response time(ms)
requestStatus stirng Request status
src - Request data