
Haskell bindings and cli/tui tool to use iwd.

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This is a library/tool to interact with iwd.

What works in TUI (and therefore library)

  • Query objects from Dbus
  • React to connection/status change
  • Trigger connect
  • Trigger disconnect
  • Enter passphrase

Using the tui

The tui builds one list of networks for each interface managed by your iwd.

  • To switch interface press Tab.
  • To connect to a network press Enter.
  • To disconnect a device, select it and press d.


If you are new to haskell, you need ghc and cabal-install. Then to build this, clone this repository then

cd iwd-hs

cabal sandbox init

cabal install --dependencies-only

cabal build

To run use:

cabal run iwd-tui

Currently missing in tui

  • React to interface hotplug (I don't have the kernel, so can't test)
  • React to scan results/Network (dis)appearing