Install .NET to run this program
dotnet build
This allows all the relevant packages to be installed for the project to work correctly
Please ensure that Port 5000 is open on your local machine, run the following command to start the program
dotnet run
Saves a new piece of metadata.
- Movie Id - integer representing unique movie identifier
- Title - string representing the title of the Movie
- Language - string representing the translation of the metadata
- Duration - string representing the length of the movie
- Release Year - integer representing the year the movie was released
Returns all metadata for a given movie.
- Only the latest piece of metadata (highest Id) should be returned where there are multiple metadata records for a given language.
- Only metadata with all data fields present should be returned, otherwise it should be considered invalid.
- If no metadata has been POSTed for a specified movie, a 404 should be returned.
- Results are ordered alphabetically by language.
Returns the viewing statistics for all movies.
- The movies are ordered by most watched, then by release year with newer releases being considered more important.
- The data returned only needs to contain information from the supplied csv documents and does not need to return data provided by the POST metadata endpoint.