/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* _ _ _ _ */ /* | | | (_(_) */ /* | | ___ __ _ __| |_ _ _ __ ___ */ /* | | / _ \ / _` |/ _` | | | '_ \ / _ \ */ /* | |___| (_) | (_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ */ /* ______/\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|_|_| |_|\___| v4.0 */ /* */ /* RPX/RPL and File Replacement Tool */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ - 1......Requirements - 2......How to Use - 3......Preparing the SD Card /******************************************************************************/ /* Requirements */ /******************************************************************************/ - Wii U FW 5.3.2 - SD(HC) Card - Super Smash Bros for Wii U (Disc or EShop version) - optional but may be needed for some games /******************************************************************************/ /* How to Use */ /******************************************************************************/ - 1. Setup your SD Card (see below) - 2. In the Internet Browser, launch the included kernel exploit (www/kexploit) (You need a modified kernel exploit that sets 0xA0000000 virtual memory range to 0x10000000 physical memory address) - 3. Relaunch the Internet Browser - 4. Insert your SD Card into the Wii U, if it's not already done. - 5. Launch loadiine (www/loadiine) - Press A to install loadiine or - Press X to install loadiine with server enabled (use it for debug purpose, the server must be running before pressing X). - 6. The loadiine menu should open. Now, Select your App/Game using the D-Pad. - Press A to use Smash Bros mode and launch directly the disk - Note : auto-launch does not work for everyone, launch manually Smash Bros instead - Note : if you are using Smash Bros EShop version, press Y instead, it returns to Home Menu, then launch Smash Bros. or - Press X to use Mii Maker mode (Smash Bros disk is not needed) - The game should start - 7. Enjoy - Note: When exiting the Game/Application, you must relaunch the Mii Maker and select the game again. If you don't, launching Super Smash Bros will result in a crash. /******************************************************************************/ /* Preparing the SD Card / How to add a Game or Application */ /******************************************************************************/ Note: You may add multiple Games/Applications, but ALL STEPS are REQUIRED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting Up RPX/RPL and Data Files 1. Create a folder named "wiiu" in the root of the SD Card. - ex : SDCARD/wiiu 2. In "wiiu", create another folder named "games" - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games 3. In "games", create a new folder with the name of your app - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/ 4. Copy the "code" folder of your app/game inside your application folder (with rpx, rpl and xml files) - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplicatin/code/my_application.rpx - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplicatin/code/my_application_library.rpl - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplicatin/code/app.xml - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplicatin/code/cos.xml - note : if you don't have the xml files, loadiine will try to use default values instead 5. Copy the "content" folder of your app/game inside your application folder - ex : SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/content/... - ex : H:/MyApplication/vol/content/data.bin -> SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/content/data.bin - ex : H:/MyApplication/vol/content/datab/datab.bin -> SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/content/datab/datab.bin Note : Do not rename RPX and RPL files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary Your file structure should look like this if the above information was used : - SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/code/my_application.rpx - SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/code/*.rpl [only if application contains .rpl files] - SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/code/app.xml - SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/code/cos.xml - SDCARD/wiiu/games/MyApplication/content/[content files/folders] /******************************************************************************/ /* Limitations : */ /******************************************************************************/ - The total size of each RPX and RPL files must be less than 65.7 MB (tested up to 47.3 MB) - Don't go in the wiiu settings it breaks everything /******************************************************************************/ /* Notes : */ /******************************************************************************/ - If you have problems with saves, try delete your Smash Bros saves. /******************************************************************************/ /* Special thanks : */ /******************************************************************************/ - To everyone involved in libwiiu and webkit/kernel exploit ! - To the testers ! Feel free to modify and improve this software. Golden45. Dimok.