SickBeardTaskbar SickBeardTaskbar is a Cocoa-Applescript project, that is used to start and quit SickBeard, and leaving a StickBeard icon on the OS X's Statusbar, as a proof that you have started SickBeard. It was made mainly because I did not want to have a terminal window running (it's a bit distracting), and I didn't want a icon in the dock for a task I wouldn't interact with, and I didn't want to lose the ability to quit SickBeard if I wanted to.

IMPORTANT! You are using this app on your own risk. There is no guarantee that this app will run on your computer. This software is not developed by the developers of SickBeard, and is only a third-party application. This software uses a images from SickBeard to make it easy to understand that it is used with SickBeard, but it is NOT SickBeard! It is not to confuse you into thinking it is SickBeard, or that it was developed by people behind SickBeard.

How to use

  • Install SickBeard
  • Make sure SickBeard is placed in the Application folder
  • Start SickBeardTaskbar


  • This application have only been tested on my Mac, so there is no guarantee it will work on other mac's.
  • There is likely there will be a bug if SickBeard is already running when you try running SickBeardTaskbar
  • To quit SickBeard (and SickBeardTaskbar) press the SickBeard icon in your statusbar and click Quit.

TODO's (if anyone get's around to it)

  • Add a "Preferences" item, for opening a preferences window.
  • Add choose the location of the SickBeard folder (for those who store it in a different folder) to preferences window
  • Add URL to SickBeard in Preferences
  • Add "Open" item to open SickBeard