
A Prometheus Playbook to deploy Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, Blackbox-Exporter

Ansible Docker Prometheus (untestst)

Playbook to deploy basics and Docker containers with Ansible


  • nativ - node-exporter
  • nativ - docker host setup
  • docker - prometheus
  • docker - alertmanager
  • docker - grafana
  • docker - blackbox-exporter


First of all, clone the following Repos:

git clone https://github.com/OnkelDom/ansible-docker-prometheus.git
git submodule add git@github.com:OnkelDom/ansible-role-docker.git ansible-docker-prometheus/roles/
git submodule add git@github.com:OnkelDom/ansible-role-node-exporter.git ansible-docker-prometheus/roles/

Edit the variables in playbooks/all.yml

Edit the configuration files if needed:

  • files/alertmanager.yml # Alertmanager config file
  • files/prometheus.yml # Prometheus config file
  • files/prometheus-alertrules.yml # Prometheus Alertrules config file
  • files/blackbox-exporter-file-sd.json # Prometheus Job for Blackbox-Exporter file service disvocery
  • files/blackbox-exporter.yml # Blackbox-Exporter config file