
Cached Image Android IOS

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cached Image

android: api 21+
ios : 10.0+

Image is a wrapper around Guiso (iOS) and Glide (Android).


  • Memory cache
  • Disk cache
  • Resize
  • uri
  • Base64 String
  • static Image
  • Gif
  • Webp image

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-cached-imageview --save
$ react-native link react-native-cached-imageview


$ yarn add react-native-cached-imageview


Add Swift


add a .swift file


  import { Controller, CachedImage ,DrawableImage } from 'react-native-cached-imageview'

  //(Android) DrawableImage not support Gif - useful for shared elements.
  const source = {
      uri: 'https://unsplash.it/200/200?image=1',
      width: 400, 
      height: 400, 

const clearMemory = () =>{

  <Image source={source}  />


source?: object

Source for the remote image to load.

source.uri?: string

uri to load the image from. e.g. https://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png.

static image ("static;${uri}")

base64String ("base64,${value}")

uri --> ("value")

source.asGif?: boolean

if the image you load is an animated GIF, Image will display a animated gif. Default Value -> false

source.headers?: Object key:string

Headers to load the image with. e.g. { Authorization: 'someAuthToken' }.

source.priority?: string

normal -> Default

Priorities for completing loads. If more than one load is queued at a time, the load with the higher priority will end first. Priorities are considered best effort, there are no guarantees about the order in which loads will start or finish.

source.placeholder?: string

only accept static image ("static;${uri}") and base64String ("base64,${value}")

Default value -> null

Image that is shown while a request is in progress. When a request completes successfully, the placeholder is replaced with the requested resource. If the requested resource is loaded from memory, the placeholder may never be shown. If the request fails , the placeholder will continue to be displayed.

source.width?: number

The width to be used in the resize, -1 ignore resize.
Default value -> -1

source.height?: number

The height to be used in the resize, -1 ignore resize.
Default value -> -1

source.resizeMode?: string

Determines how to resize the image:

cover: Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).

contain(Default): Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).

source.skipMemoryCache?: boolean

Default value -> false

Allows the loaded resource to skip the memory cache.
Note - this is not a guarantee. If a request is already pending for this resource and that request is not also skipping the memory cache, the resource will be cached in memory.

source.diskCacheStrategy?: string

Default value -> "automatic"


scaleType?: string

Controls how the image should be displayed.

Default value -> "contain"


onLoadStart?: () => void

Called when the image starts to load.

onLoadSuccess?: (event) => void

Called on a successful image fetch. Called with the width and height of the loaded image.

e.g. onLoadSuccess={e => console.log(e.nativeEvent.width, e.nativeEvent.height)}

onLoadError?: (event) => void

Called on an image fetching error.

e.g. onLoadError={e => console.log(e.nativeEvent.error)}

onLoadEnd?: () => void

Called when the image finishes loading, whether it was successful or an error.


Clear memory cache


  import { Controller } from 'react-native-cached-imageview'


Request Image


  import { Controller } from 'react-native-cached-imageview'
  let compressFormat = "jpeg" | "png"
  let quality = 0.9 // 0 to 1

    Controller.requestImage(imageRef,compressFormat,quality).then( string64 => {
      console.log("result ",string64)

Clear Cached ImageView


  import { Controller } from 'react-native-cached-imageview'



  import { Controller } from 'react-native-cached-imageview'
    Controller.get( {
      uri: 'https://unsplash.it/200/200?image=1',
      width: 400, 
      height: 400, 
  }, (result)=>{
          if(result.error != null){

         console.log("image string ",result.image)