

Before first run of the script run the following command : pip3 install pyqt5, requests, flask, threading, python_anticaptcha, lxml

Captcha Harvester

The captcha harvester starts a web server on port 5000 using your local IP address. You can view this webpage by going to however it's likely you will get the error 'localhost is not a supported domain' or something of the sort. To fix this you need to append your hosts file. On windows, this file is located in the directory 'C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'. On linux or osx, this file is located in the directory '/etc/hosts'. To append this file you will open your hosts file and add '' for adidas to the end of the file (and if you're harvesting for a different website just follow that format, for example supremenewyork would be ''). After you've done this, the webpage you added to your hosts will now take place of in the previous url EG: After solving tokens, the successfully created tokens will be stored in the webpage All tokens expire after 110 seconds because recaptcha tokens are only valid for 2 minutes.

Captcha Engine

The captcha engine fetches tokens simultaneously from anti-captcha and 2captcha upon request. The text boxes are for your API key's from the respective services. The engine is multithreaded so if you need 10 captcha tokens asap you can change the 'Tasks per Service' number to 10 which will yield 10 tokens being requested from both 2captcha and anti-captcha. If you don't want to use one of these two services, simply select the off radio button and the engine will not fetch a token from that service. These tokens are posted to the captcha harvester so make sure the harvester is running before requesting tokens from the engine. If you need to use these tokens they can be found at the web address

Account Creator

The adidas account creator creates a list of email address(s) depending on the email creation style. If using gmail you will enter the normal gmail address. If using catch-all you will just enter the domain of the email server. After this is done, the script will create the accounts and test them by signing into adidas once. The accounts are stored in the file accounts.txt in the root directory of the script.

Adidas Carter

Not working.