This is not crud firebase project basic of angular
Ng if=Show Image when click or toggle
Ng for == make one data.json file where you have json data you have to use this data and show That data suppose {{}} (in extra you can show in table ) === What is different in this both img src? <img [src] = ‘product.imageUrl> <img src = {{product.imageUrl}}
Many people prefer property binding over interpretation
Propertly binding allow other than string like input type= but in interpolation not possible And such as boolean to false value
Interpolation always assign string
Then you have to use pipes for this use $sign to add price you can use | for lower case and other purpose DATA BINDING TYPES interpolation: {{pageTitle}}
Property Binding: <img [src] = ‘product.imageUrl’>
Event Binding : <button (click) = ‘toggleImage()’>
Two way Binding: <input [(ngModel) = ‘listFilter’/>
Pipe character |
Example {{prodcut.price | currency:’USD’ : ‘symbol’:’1.2-2’}}
2 ways to Use Interface
1 = > Identifying the Property
export interface IProducut{ productId: number; productName: string; productCode: string; releaseDate: string; price: number; description: string; starRating: number; imageUrl: string; }
As a type
products: IProduct[] = [];
2 = > Identifying the Feature Set
export interface DoTiming{ count: number; start(index: number): void; stop(): void; }
export class myComponent implements DoTiming{
count: number = 0;
start(index: number) : void {
stop() : void {
Component Life Cycle
- [Create] => [Render] => [Create and Render Children] => <= [Process Changes] => [Destroy]
Life cycle Hook is an Interface. => implement to write code => when component lifecycle occur
3 Most Commonly Use Life Cycle
OnInit: Perform component initialisation , retrive Data.
OnChanges: Perform action after change to input properties.
OnDestroy: Perform cleanup
Perform Lifecycle Hook
export class ProductListComponent implements OnInit{
pageTitle: string = 'product List';
showImage: boolean = false;
listFilter: string = 'cart';
products: IProduct[] = [];
ngOnInit(): void {
console.log('In OnInit');
More Generalize Custom Pipes way
ng g pipe shared/convert-to-space
transform(value: string, character: string): string { return value.replace(character, ' '); }
value: string character: string
return value.replace(character, ' ');
Getters and Settters
amount: number = 0; => suppose this is piggy bank we can put directly money in piggi bank or take money from piggy bank
private _amount: number = 0; get amount() : number {
return this._amount;
set amount(value: number) {
return this._amount = value;
suppose you have locker so that need to be private and we can use that bank to take money or add monney
Filtering a List
PerformFilter(): IProduct[] {
return this.products.filter((product: IProduct)=> product.productName.includes(this.listFilter))
performFilter(filterBy: string): IProduct[] { filterBy = filterBy.toLocaleLowerCase(); return this.products.filter((product: IProduct) => product.productName.toLowerCase().includes(filterBy) ); }
{{ }} | {{ product.surname }} |
<h2>{{ pageTitle }}</h2>
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="toggleImage()">
{{ showImage ? "Hide" : "Show" }} Image
<th>Product Image</th>
<th>Product Name</th>
<th>Product Code</th>
<th>Release Date</th>
<th>Star Rating</th>
<tr *ngFor="let product of filteredProducts">
<td>{{ product.productName }}</td>
<td>{{ product.productCode | lowercase | convertToSpaces : "-" }}</td>
<td>{{ product.releaseDate }}</td>
<td>{{ product.price | currency : "USD" : "symbol" : "1.2-2" }}</td>
<td>{{ product.starRating }}</td>
Using a componet 2 Ways
directive -> custom HTML Syntax
Full Page Style View
Nested Component
it’s template manages a fragment of a larger view
it has a selector
it optionally communicates with its container
Root Injector
Service is available throughout the application
Recommended for most scenarios
Component Injector
service is available only to that component and its child(nested) components
isolates a service used by only one component
provides multiple instance of the service
Observables and Reactive Extensions
Reactive Extensions(RxJS)
A library for composing data using observable sequences and transforming that data using operators
angular using reactive extensions for working with data - espicially asynchronous data
Synchronous : real time(phone call)
Asynchronous : No immediate response(Mail)
HTTP requests are Asynchronous : request and response APPLICATION ->(get Me Products) [webserver]
- get a list of products
- Notify me when the response arrives
- I will continue along
APPLICATION <- (here are the products) [webserver]
- “Hey”,your data arrived”
- Ok,I”LL process it.Thanks!.
We do Get request with HTTP
But what do we use for Notification? we use to setup notification with rxjs Observation sequennces coming
Observable sequence ,Observable stream
A collection of items over time
- Unlike an array, it doesn’t retains items
- Emitted items can be observed over time
Array: [A,P,P,L,E]
Letter arraving over time => e.g A =>B=>C
What does an Observable do?
- Nothing until we subscribe
When we subscribe then we get notifications
There are three types of notifications
- Next: Next item is emitted
- Error: An error occurred and no more items are emitted
- Complete: No more items are emitted
(GET) APPLICATION -> (get Me Product) [webserver]
Call http get
http get returns an Observable,
which will emit notifications
subscribe to start the Observable and the get request is sent.
code continues along.
APPLICATION <- (here are the products) [webserver]
- The response is returned [{cart},{hammer},{saw}]
- The Observable emits a next
- notifications
- We process the emitted response
Observable Pipe (more than 100 operators )
A (Pipe(lowercase operator)) a (Pipe(enlarge operator)) a(increase size)
Common Obesevable Using
. Start the Observable(subscribe)
. Pipe emitted items through a set of operators
. Process notifications : next, err, complete
. Stop the Observable (unsubscribe)
mostly use rxjs = rxjs and rxjs/operators
[Product Data Service] (Get) => [Http Client Service]. (Get) => [Web Server]
[Product Data Service] (Response) <= [Http Client Service]. (Response) <= [Web Server]
We need to add HttpClientModule(in appmodule [imports])
export class ProductService{
private productUrl = "url/api/products";
constructor(private http: HttpClient){}
in thiss array its not returning array of product but
its Observable so its not giving any response untill
we subscribe
getProducts() : Observable<IProduct[]> {
return this.http.get<IProduct[]>(this.productUrl);
Subscribing to an observable are like newspaper(obsservable are lazy)
x.subscirbe({ nextFn, errorFn, completeFn, })
const sub = x.subscirbe({ nextFn, errorFn, completeFn, })