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CLUP - Senior Design project for West Texas A&M University

What is CLUP? (Customer Lineup)

Full product description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ly9NTnhpajnhPrgtFI8vu0EJ9nhfC0wtdk1QYEIhB5U/edit

Problem: The project was inspired to solve extremely inefficient customer lines due to limited customer occupancy of retail businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Description: The goal of this project is to develop an easy-to-use application that, on the one side, allows store managers to regulate the influx of people within a retail business and, on the other side, saves people from having to line up and stand outside of stores for hours on end.


JSON web tokens for authentication
Role based access control for managers, employees, and customers
Fully custom appointment scheduler
Emails sent from Nodemailer for user verification and customer alerts
Scheduled node-cron job to keep track of late appointments

What I Would Change: Include form/input validation in the frontend and not only in the backend so that performance is improved. Also apply a useReducer() hook for store business hours since its state management is more complex.
