

This project is about investaging a health dataset to using python and jupyter notebook. I was completed as part of my udacity data analyst course.



So much time and effoert is spent in booking meadical appointment. Sometimes this appointment is booked only for the patient not to show up on the apppointed day. What could be the cause of this?


The dataset contains 110,527 medical appointments(rows) with 14 charactersitcs(columns) with the most important one being whether the pateint shows up or not some of the columns include:

  • age
  • gender
  • appointment day
  • neighbourhood
  • scholarship (the meaning of this column can be found here) Download data here

Question for analysis

  • Does gender affect the level of show-ups across the days
  • Which days of the week has the most and least show-ups
  • How does SMS receipt affect show-up