
This is a simple implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier in C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Bayes Classifier

This is a simple implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier in C++. This class was developed for fun and no detailed testing was evaluated.


Spambase Dataset


Mark Hopkins, Erik Reeber, George Forman, Jaap Suermondt
Hewlett-Packard Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304


George Forman (gforman at nospam hpl.hp.com) 650-857-7835

Attribute Information:

The last column of 'spambase.data' denotes whether the e-mail was considered spam (1) or not (0), i.e. unsolicited commercial e-mail. Most of the attributes indicate whether a particular word or character was frequently occuring in the e-mail. The run-length attributes (55-57) measure the length of sequences of consecutive capital letters. For the statistical measures of each attribute, see the end of this file. Here are the definitions of the attributes:

48 continuous real [0,100] attributes of type word_freq_WORD
= percentage of words in the e-mail that match WORD, i.e. 100 * (number of times the WORD appears in the e-mail) / total number of words in e-mail. A "word" in this case is any string of alphanumeric characters bounded by non-alphanumeric characters or end-of-string.

6 continuous real [0,100] attributes of type char_freq_CHAR]
= percentage of characters in the e-mail that match CHAR, i.e. 100 * (number of CHAR occurences) / total characters in e-mail

1 continuous real [1,...] attribute of type capital_run_length_average
= average length of uninterrupted sequences of capital letters

1 continuous integer [1,...] attribute of type capital_run_length_longest
= length of longest uninterrupted sequence of capital letters

1 continuous integer [1,...] attribute of type capital_run_length_total
= sum of length of uninterrupted sequences of capital letters
= total number of capital letters in the e-mail

1 nominal {0,1} class attribute of type spam
= denotes whether the e-mail was considered spam (1) or not (0), i.e. unsolicited commercial e-mail.
 Dua:2019 , 
 author = "Dua, Dheeru and Graff, Casey",
 year = "2017",
 title = "{UCI} Machine Learning Repository",
 url = "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml",
 institution = "University of California, Irvine, School of Information and Computer Sciences" 