
A phonebook with tree structured printing functionality.

Primary LanguageGo


A phonebook with tree structured printing functionality.

Please enter the contact file name: 
Loading the phonebook into a BST 

Phonebook creation in BST took 4 milliseconds

The tree is not balanced

The heights of BST are for left: 5 and right: 7
loading the phonebook into an AVL 

Phonebook creation in AVL took 3 milliseconds

The tree is balanced

The heights of AVL are for left: 4 and right: 3

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit

Searching an item in the phonebook (BST) ...
Search for a contact: 
Phonebook : Searching for: (JOHN WATSON)

JOHN WATSON +905550292913 Izmir

Searching an item in the phonebook (AVL) ...

Phone book : Section (JOHN WATSON)

JOHN WATSON +905550292913 Izmir

The search in BST took 0 milliseconds...

The search in AVL took 0 milliseconds...

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit

Adding an item to the phonebook (BST) ...
Enter the information of the contact to be added: 


Contact has been added successfully to the BST

Adding an item to the phonebook (AVL) ...

Contact has been added successfully to the AVL tree

Adding a contact to the Binary Tree took 13996 nanoseconds...
Adding a contact to the AVL tree took 33591 nanoseconds...

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit

Deleting an item from the phonebook ...
Enter the fullname of the contact to be deleted:  
Deleted succesfully...
Deletion from Binary Tree took 236532 nanoseconds...
Deletion from AVL Tree took 32658 nanoseconds...

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit

Saving the phonebook to a file (In-Order)...
Saving the phonebook took 350366nanoseconds...

Saving the phonebook to a file (Pre-Order)...
Saving the phonebook took 334970nanoseconds...

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit

Choose which action to perform from 3 to 7: 
1 - Search a phonebook contact 
2 - Adding a phonebook contact 
3 - Deleting a phonebook contact 
4 - Print the phonebook to a file(inorder) 
   Print the phonebook to a file(postorder) 
5 - Draw the Phonebook as a Tree to a file
6 - Press 6 to exit


AVL Tree

   |   |-- ASHLEY TIRADO
   |   |   |-- ASHLEY JEPSEN
   |   |   |__ CHARITY RUGGIERO
   |   |       |-- CAROLYN JOHNSON
   |       |-- ELBERT WOMACK
   |       |__ HAROLD STENSETH
       |   |-- NORMAN HO
       |   |__ PATRICIA GOODE
           |-- ROGER JOCHIM
           |__ SHIRLEY MICKELSON


    |   |-- ASHLEY TIRADO
    |   |   |-- ASHLEY JEPSEN
    |   |   |__ CHARLES SMITH
    |   |       |-- CHARITY RUGGIERO
    |   |       |   |-- CAROLYN JOHNSON
    |   |       |__ ELBERT WOMACK
        |__ SHARON PERSAUD
            |-- ROGER JOCHIM
            |   |-- NORMAN HO
            |   |   |__ PAMELA ALEXANDER
            |   |       |__ RHONDA CASHION
            |   |           |-- PATRICIA GOODE
            |__ SHIRLEY MICKELSON

Printing in Tree Structure

Traverse Nodes

func TraverseNodes(sb *strings.Builder,padding string,pointer string,node*TreeNode,hasRight bool){
	if (node != nil) {
		sb.WriteString(node.firstName + " " +node.secondName);

		paddingBuilder :=  strings.Builder{}
		if (hasRight) {
			paddingBuilder.WriteString("│  ");
		} else {
			paddingBuilder.WriteString("   ");

		paddingForBoth := paddingBuilder.String();
		pointerRight := "└──";
		var pointerLeft string
			pointerLeft = "├──"
			pointerLeft =  "└──"

		TraverseNodes(sb, paddingForBoth, pointerLeft, node.left, HasRight(node))
		TraverseNodes(sb, paddingForBoth, pointerRight, node.right, false)

func TraversePreOrder(ROOT * TreeNode)string{
	if(ROOT == nil){
		return ""
	sb.WriteString(ROOT.firstName + " " +ROOT.secondName)
	var pointerRight = "└──"
	var pointerLeft string
		pointerLeft = "├──"
		pointerLeft = "└──"
	TraverseNodes(&sb, "", pointerLeft, ROOT.left, HasRight(ROOT));
	TraverseNodes(&sb, "", pointerRight, ROOT.right, false)
	return sb.String()