
In this project, you will see an API manipulation prepared under the "MVVM" architecture and arranged using the "Retrofit"library.

Primary LanguageKotlin


In this project, I made a simple WeatherApp. I used an api with live data from "openweathermap.org."

While using the API libraries, I used the "Retrofit" library, which has been most practical to use, and the "GSON" library to convert my JSON data into a Kotlin class. Since the readability and reorganization of the projects are important, I designed it using MVVM ( Model-View-View Model) architecture model.

I have custom interface function to get some of my queries from the user ( The api by the programmer, city name from the user ). You can see the "API Key" code line at the top of "Main Activity" it is raedy to be customize

I hope this project was helpful to you. Have a nice coding
