
A versatile foobar2000 (dark) theme with 3 different view modes

Primary LanguageHTML

foobar2000 TripleQ v0.1

A versatile foobar2000 skin that supports 3 (switchable) display-modes as well as some nice gadgets that help with some recurring tasks like

  • maintain a sorted collection (moving files and folders to fit a pre-defined structure)
  • keep a nice view of the well sorted collection while still being able to search the stuff in a messy unsorted folder
  • apply ratings ...also in midi-mode :-) (so you don't need to have a big player window open)
  • search your library
  • ...







Installation (quick and easy)


  1. Install Foobar2000 (portable) [tested with v1.5.2]
  2. Clone the git-repo into the installation folder (replace existing files)
  3. Start foobar2000, open preferences (Strg + p) and set your music-directory under the "Media Library" tab
  4. Enjoy


  1. Install Foobar2000 (standard) [tested with v1.5.2]
  2. Clone the git-repo into your foobar2000 configuration-folder (replace existing files)
    • it is located at "%appdata%\foobar2000" (if it does not yet exist, start foobar and close it again)
  3. Start foobar2000, open preferences (Strg + p) and set your music-directory under the "Media Library" tab
  4. Enjoy

Important notice

The paths to the music-folder are hardcoded... so you need to change them manually!

  • To make the "Utilities" buttons "move to sorted music" and "move to unsorted music" work you must adjust the paths in the file FileOps-Presets.txt

  • To make the sorting-schemes in the folder-list tab (on the right side) work you must do the following:

  1. go to preferences (crtl + p)
  2. navigate to Media Library > Album List Panel
  3. double-click on each of the 'views' and change the paths in the following 2 lines:
    (you MUST include the backslashes and don't use unnecessary spaces
    (if your path contains spaces, you must encapsulate it in quotes)!)
    • the base-path of your music directory:

    • the name of the folder where your unsorted music is stored


General Infos


The theme incorporates the following global hotkeys:
(they might interfere with other apps using similar assignments... however I've never had problems so far)

  • crtl + shift + enter: play / pause
  • crtl + shift + up : previous track
  • crtl + shift + down : next track
  • crtl + shift + left : move 5 seconds ahead in the current track
  • crtl + shift + right: move 5 seconds back in the current track
  • crtl + shift + space: activate/deactivate the player window

Folder structure

The theme is intended to be used with a well sorted collection...
(it comes along with file-sorting-presets that can be used to quickly adapt a nice file-structure)

In order for the theme to work properly, your music should be structured in the following form:
(this is of course adjustable... but you would need to customize some settings)

- Musik
└─── _Musik_Downloads (note the underline!)
│   └─── ... (all the unsorted stuff)
│   Artist_1
│   └─── Albumtitle1 [Date]
│   │	│   01 - Title01.mp3
│   │	│   02 - Title02.mp3 
│   │   │   ...
│   │	│   Cover.jpg (possible names and formats specified in "Preferences/Display/Album art")
│   └─── Albumtitle2 [Date]
│   Artist_2
│   └─── ...
│    ...
│   _Compilations (note the underline in the beginning)
│   └─── Compilation Title [Date]
│   │	│   01 - Artist01 - Title01.mp3
│   │	│   02 - Artist02 - Title02.mp3
│   │	│   ...
│   │	│   Cover.jpg 

Thanks to

The configuration is based on the following components: